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Michelle Yeoh wins the Oscar for Best Lead Actress. #Oscars source
Michelle Yeoh is the second woman of color to ever win Best Actress at the Oscars following Halle Berry in 2002. source
杨紫琼和《瞬息全宇宙》能得奖,无疑也是这些年好莱坞所谓的“政治正确”运动的结果。所以当大家骂当今好莱坞选角的时候,也应该要知道,正是少数族裔争取了更多的机会,才让这样的影片可以被拍出,才能登上这样的舞台。平权惠及的其实不仅仅是黑人,也是好莱坞的亚裔和其他少数族裔们。 source
美国之音刚刚获悉,披露萨斯(非典)真相的中国退休少将军医蒋彦永先生昨天(3月12日)下午4:39分去世。2003年,蒋彦永先生不满当局隐瞒非典疫情,率先向外界披露真相,拯救了无数生命,后多次致信中共高层公开要求为六四事件正名,并揭露死囚器官交易内幕。因而遭当局忌恨长期打压。被誉为民族脊梁。 source
致敬那些不动声色的善良! source
人民日报谈及《瞬息全宇宙》,将片中身为同性恋的女儿称之为“生活西化的女儿”,引发网友广泛讨论 source

杨紫琼都没等24小时,就开始用她的明星力量帮助弱势群体👍 尊敬🌹 link source

据微信公号丁东小群的消息,解放军总医院前外科教授蒋彦永于3月11日去世,享寿91岁。蒋彦永是2003年最早揭露中国 SARS 疫情的吹哨人之一。 source
看到伍勤发了朋友圈,现在可以公开说明她的身份了。伍勤是前“澎湃思想市场”编辑。不过澎湃没有给足她依法应得的赔偿金。 source

在近些年的跨性别运动推广下,她的身份终于被人们所看见和理解,也有相关的社工服务机构 帮助她维持生活。每次跟别人聊起她的故事,我都会感觉一切都是有意义的。(图为一个酷儿晚会为她颁奖,鼓励她为跨儿和性少数群体做出的榜样和杰出贡献,她的努力和艰辛时隔二十年终于被看见。

有对上世纪大龄跨性别感兴趣的朋友可以了解一下她的经历,似乎有人物传记和纪录片之类的资料可以查询,不仅是她本人艰难的生活令人唏嘘,还混杂着早期互联网对跨儿群体态度的一个很明显的风潮演变史。唉现在看她生活好起来了真是很感慨,“你是你或是妳都行,会有人全心地爱妳” source
Did you know Sesame Street was originally created for black and brown inner city kids?

Children usually spend a lot of time watching a lot tv and technically it was sort of a babysitter. It was even worse for inner city children whose parents spent endless hours at work, thus their kids were usually exposed to long hours of mindless programs.

Lloyd Morrisett, regarded as the father of Sesame Street and vice-president of the Carnegie Corporation with a Ph.D. in experimental psychology from Yale University developed a special interest in children's education.

Through a research, they found that inner city children were behind by months to middle class children in kindergarten & the gap grew wider advanced through later grades.

Lloyd Morrisett partnered with Joan Ganz Cooney, an activist and producer at the time. They thought it was possible to teach young children through television. Joan did a feasibility study titled ‘The Potential Uses of Television in Preschool Education’. you can read the study here:

This study was used to convince the Department of Education, The Carnegie Corporation, The Ford Foundation and private donors to give $8 million to establish the Children's Television Workshop (now the Sesame Workshop)

Joan reached out to to a writer & TV producer Jon Stone, a Yale University graduate experienced in children's television. He shared her passion for social activism & agreed to do the show because of its specific focus on educating black & brown children.

Jon came up with the idea to create a set that mimicked an inner city, New York neighborhood. He even named the show "Sesame Street." Sesame was really black, from the jive talk to the soul and funk music to the set and cast. The integrated and diverse nature of the show didn't get past Southern stations. They even removed Sesame Street from its airwaves for a time because of complaints from parents.

A state commission in Mississippi refused to air the show because of the integrated cast. The main characters, Gordon and Susan, were black as well as their adopted son. After their refusal became national news Mississippi reversed their decision.
2024/10/01 22:33:44
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