@RateStickerBot – allows you to rate random stickers and discover new sticker sets. Since Telegram stores chats and files on a remote server instead of your device, you can also access everything (except secret chats) from the web. Access it via the web portal or any of several Chrome extensions. Moreover, as with other Telegram features, you can able to use, replies, mentions, pinned messages, invite links and you can also add bots to your channels and groups.
This is useful when you are on your way to a meeting or trying to coordinate with friends at a large event. Rather than sending static locations every minute, you can share your live location with your friend circle for 15 minutes, 1 hour, or 8 hours. Of course, you can stop sharing at any time. “Keep-Alive Service” ensures that you don’t miss any important notifications. It keeps the messaging app running in the background for reliable and up-to-date notifications. This is useful for people who use ‘Cleaner’ apps and frequently delete system cache and junk files. To set self-destruction timer, swipe right on the homepage, tap “New Secret Chat”, and add recipients. Now simply tap the clock icon and set Self-Destruct Timer to the desired time limit (from 1 second to 1 week). The clock starts ticking the moment messages are displayed on the recipient’s screen. Custom Theme Your Telegram 4b
Furthermore, you can view how much Mobile or WiFi data you have consumed so far. Just tapping on “Data Usage”, and it will show you “Bytes sent” and “Bytes received” of individual file types. The platform supports two types of channels: public and private. The former can be found in search, and anyone can join them, whereas the latter can be joined only via invitation links. Secret chats If you prefer keeping the sensitive content of your chats limited to yourself and avoiding it from being intercepted by a hacker or the authorities in your country or region, this Telegram trick is for you. While normal chats in Telegram are user-to-server encrypted and cannot be read unless someone breaches Telegram’s servers, Secret Chats take it to a new level by providing user-to-user encryption. These chats are meant to be short-lived and not stored on Telegram’s servers.
On iOS, Telegram offers you the flexibility to choose a default browser where the links are opened. Though Safari is set as the default option, you can set other browsers like Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge as the preferred choice. Telegram’s main feature list may cross over with other apps, but there are many specific differences between it and its competitors. Here is a short list some of the major features that may push you to switch messaging apps.
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