However, Telegram only uses this encryption in calls and in its “secret chats” feature, not in regular chats. Those are only encrypted client to server. Meanwhile, WhatsApp, the supposedly less secure service, has used end-to-end encryption in all messages, calls, and video calls since 2016. To preview a chat, simply press and hold its profile picture in your chat list. For power users, scheduling is a great way to achieve many tasks at a given time. We already use email scheduling a lot, but it’s awesome to see Telegram bringing this feature for messages as well. As you saw above, you can schedule a message just by pressing and holding the “send” button. Here, choose “Schedule message” and pick the date and time. The message will be sent at your preferred time.
High-Quality Stickers Hopefully, I have listed enough Telegram features to help you understand why the Telegram app is so popular and secure. Set Telegram Pass code in Telegram features Telegram offers plenty of options for customization to make the app feel like a truly personal experience. Here is the list of interface element you can change:
Custom Theme Your Telegram 2b Cons of switching While you can send uncompressed media in other messaging apps, you have to convert it in another format like EXE or PDF. Telegram, however, allows you to send uncompressed video and images directly (without converting them into another format). It saves you a lot of trouble. Better Bots
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