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you are loved , you are enough . and you are pretty in your way . heads up king !

everyone has a story , but itโ€™s not always easy to read .

i can take a joke . i canโ€™t take disrespect , learn the difference .

Jika aku salah , tegurlah aku . Jangan mengutuk . Kita ini sama sahaja darjatnya , kita hanyalah hamba Dia yang hina .

Kau berlagak macam dunia ni kau yang punya , perangai seperti langit padahal asal kau dari tanah juga seperti manusia yang lain . Ingat karma itu ada . Sama ada kau dapat balasan dunia atau akhirat nanti .

Grateful for everything that we have learn in past few years of our life , a new day is the beginning of a new adventure , goodluck .

You are not my happiness, you are just a sadness that come in the form of happiness that will give me major heartbreak .

I smile because of you , I cry because of you , Im happy because of you , Im sad because of you , Now youre gone , I just feel like a piece of me are missing , Nowhere to be found .

Hoping everyone outhere are doing just fine , life will get harder and harder as you grow up , keep focusing on your goals , and have faith in Him , just a little bit more .

I know life is hard , just hang in there , you gonna make it , you gonna get through it , just a little bit more , there are people who loves you and waiting for you to succeed , dont give up just yet โค๏ธโค๏ธ .

Hidup di bandar ini mengajar erti kesusahan yang sebenar , erti sebenar kais pagi makan pagi kais petang makan petang , tapi kehidupan itu tidak susah jika kau pandai untuk bersyukur berbanding mengeluh , Allah itu maha adil , jika Dia bagi kau ujian itu untuk hapuskan dosa , dan jika Dia bagi kau nikmat itu untuk kau belajar erti syukur , jangan pula lupa pada Dia pabila senang , jika kau lupa , nanti kau tahu lah apa itu erti peritnya kehilangan .

Isnt it ironic , when you can tell other to be strong and yet you cant do it yourself .

Perkenalan kita mungkin terhenti di situ sahaja kerana mengambil risiko bukanlah sifat aku .

I know im not that important for you but dont show it to my face , it hurts my feeling .

Kalau terbukanya mata hati kita untuk lihat perkara - perkara di dunia , secara semula jadinya kita akan menjauhkn diri dari dosa .

dear me .

don't be afraid of losing people , be afraid of losing yourself trying not to lose someone . ๐Ÿฅ€
no matter how good you are at pretending , your eyes speak a thousand of feelings .

i hate it when I am so excited for something but end up not happening . ๐Ÿ˜ญ

donโ€™t waste your time on people who donโ€™t appreciate your efforts .

pura pura macam takda apa jadi . then i choose to keep smile everyday even i sad , stress or depressed . bukan taknak cerita . sometime it's better to keep it silence. even it hurts .

2024/10/03 23:24:15
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