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Everyone (default one: Allow everyone to view your profile. To set self-destruction timer, swipe right on the homepage, tap “New Secret Chat”, and add recipients. Now simply tap the clock icon and set Self-Destruct Timer to the desired time limit (from 1 second to 1 week). The clock starts ticking the moment messages are displayed on the recipient’s screen. Owners of public groups can enable join requests via Group Info > Edit > Group Type > Who Can Send Messages > select Only Members > enable Approve New Members.

Take Advantage of Telegram Chat Tools Mute Specific Telegram Chats Improved Chat Previews on Android Scheduled and Silent messages

Telegram gives you an option where you can select who can see your last seen time. To configure this, go to “Settings”, “Privacy and Security” and then tap on “Last Seen & Online”. You can share it with everybody, or people in your contact list, or nobody, or add exceptions like “never share with” XYZ. View Search Results in List View To enable it, go to “Settings”, “Data and Storage”, and turn off automatic download “when using mobile data” and “when roaming”. You will also see options to turn off autoplay “GIFs” and Videos”. If you love Twitter polls, well, now you can get the same feature on Telegram Groups as well. You can create both anonymous and visible polls and also schedule them accordingly. Other than that, there is also a Quiz Mode which allows you to see who voted for what. And the best part is that you can set up quizzes with multiple answers. So, if you run a Telegram group, this is the best way to settle scores with your friends and family. To create polls, simply tap on the “attachment” icon and select the “Polls” menu. And for Quizzes, you can go through Telegram’s guide over here.

Improvements for Everyone Let’s say you have enabled the “Slow Mode” and set an interval of 1 minute. Now members in the group can only send one message per minute. A timer will show them how long they have to wait before sending the next message.

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