How does Telegram work? What does 5G mean for iPhone users in India? Owners of public groups can enable join requests via Group Info > Edit > Group Type > Who Can Send Messages > select Only Members > enable Approve New Members.
Telegram Premium includes new tools to organize your chat list – like changing your default chat folder so the app always opens on a custom folder or, say, Unread instead of All Chats. To use this feature, head over to the hamburger menu by swiping right and choose Contacts. Choose ‘Find People Nearby’ and here you will see a list of contacts who have chosen to be visible. You can also scroll down to see all nearby groups and the option to create your own. Users who wish to be discovered by this feature can turn it on in the hamburger menu/People Nearby/Make myself visible. Telegram Mute Option To adjust the theme, go to Settings > Chat Settings on Android, or Settings > Appearance on iOS. Here you can change the text size, bubble colors, night mode settings, and similar options. Choose Chat Background to set a new wallpaper for your groups.
Reminder on messaging apps has been one of the most sought-after features and finally, you can use it on Telegram. Recently, WhatsApp partnered with to bring Reminders, however, Telegram has implemented this feature natively. Though there is one lingering issue. You can only set reminders in the “Saved Messages” section. Type out the task and tap and hold the “send” button. Here, choose “set a reminder” and pick your date and time. Telegram will send a reminder notification just like Google Calendar or other task management apps. While the feature is good, we would have loved it more had it been available for user chats too. Share Live Location If you’re using Telegram with the calls, secret chats feature, which provides end-to-end encryption for your messages, You can also be locking down the app itself with a passcode, PIN, or password automatically. Who are the social leaders from Maharashtra holding up Mahatma Gandhi’s l...
Premium users get increased limits for almost everything in the app. With Premium, you can follow up to 1000 channels, create up to 20 chat folders with up to 200 chats each, add a fourth account to any Telegram app, pin 10 chats in the main list and save up to 10 favorite stickers. You can use this to, for example, keep your personal and professional lives separate on Telegram without having to use another messenger app.
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