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انا سودانيه😍

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This security-focused messaging app allows you to register a unique username so that people can message or add you to groups without necessarily knowing your phone number. This way, you can keep your number private. Launch the Telegram app on your iPhone or Android device -> navigate to the Settings and choose Devices. To create a username, go to “Settings” and tap “Username” under the account section. There is also a “Bio” option, where you can add a few lines about yourself. Anyone who opens your profile will see this text.

To edit any element’s color, tap on it and then select your desired color. Once you are done editing, tap on Save Theme and your customized theme will be saved and applied. Set Reminders Cool and Best Telegram Messenger Tricks in 2022 Polls and Quiz Mode

To find more themes, Android users can try the Themes for Telegram app. If you use an iPhone, have a look at the Telegram Themes subreddit. Telegram also supports hashtags. If you tap a hashtag, you can search across all of your activate chats for it. This makes it easy to find messages in the future or categorize information for yourself. Set Auto-Delete Timer for a Telegram Chat From suicide to graft: After power shift in Mumbai, key cases go on the b...Premium

Schedule Messages Try Secret Telegram Chats

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