Edit Sent Messages Telegram Messenger Tricks Premium users also unlock more ways to react to messages, with over 10 new emoji like 👌😍❤️🔥💯 (and the new favorites 🤡🌭🐳). Set Reminders
After that, hit the More button (triple-dot icon) and choose Enable Auto-Delete in the popup menu. Next, choose the desired period of time like 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month. If you would rather want to go with a custom period of time, tap Other and then adjust the time. Premium Voice-to-Text Your smartphone is the main hub of your private information. You may be sharing a lot of information with your family friends and anyone other using a messaging app. To enable or disable this service, go to “Settings”, “Notification and Sounds”, and swipe down to the “Other” section. You will also find a “Repeat Notifications” option, which you can select as per your convenience.
There are many cloud services to select from; each has its own features and costs. Telegram has embraced this functionality in a unique way. Change Default browser in Telegram Telegram also supports hashtags. If you tap a hashtag, you can search across all of your activate chats for it. This makes it easy to find messages in the future or categorize information for yourself. Chat background
{} Everyone (default one: Allow everyone to view your profile.
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