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On March 14 people celebrate the pi day. but today is important because March 14 was the day legends born and died.
- An March 14 1879 a theoretical physicist well know for his theories and hair style Albert Einstein was born
- And an English cosmologist and astrophysicist Stephen Hawking left us on this day
Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 - April 18, 1955)
Albert Einstein was a German born theoretical physicist well known for his work on relativity and quantum mechanics. He is well know by his equation E=mc2 (the world most famous equation) which describe the mass-energy equivalence, that mass can be converted to energy and vice versa. Before he published his equation he published 4 revolutionary papers at the same year 1905 at the age of 26!!!
In 1905, as Einstein call it “the miracle year” was the year Einstein published his 4 papers, each dealing with different topics that change our understanding of physics.
1905 Papers
First paper: Light

This paper ended the age old debt of “what light is made up of”. In the 17th century there was two different groups of scientist one say light is made of particles and the other say light is a wave.
Newton was in the particle side where as Christian Huygens was on the wave side. From his observation Newton conclude that light was made of particle, because other ways how can you explain the edge of shadows or the straightness of ray of sunlight, he named the particle of light Corpuscles. Newton said that light is consisted of stream of particles or corpuscles.
On the other hand Christian Huygens (discovered titan, moon of Saturn, invented a clock pendulum and invented a new branch of mathematics called probability theory) disagreed with Newton's theory of light. He believed that light was a wave, He thought light move like a sound do, spreading out like a wave. But as technology get advanced experiments like the "double slit experiment" and equations like the Maxwell’s equation prove Newton
Second paper: Atoms

At the time Einstein published this paper atoms were not believed to exist, they use them as a useful fiction rather than an actual thing. But Einstein was able to prove that atom exist by using the Brownian motion.
Brownian motion is the random motion of particles in a medium like liquid. And Einstein prove that this motion of particles can be precisely predicted by the collision of millions of invisible atoms.
Third paper: Special relativity

Before Einstein published his theory of relativity, the Galilean relativity, state that absolute motion can’t be defined and the electromagnetic theory also well established, asserted that absolute motion did exist. Clearly both theory points disagree with each other, and Einstein was able to solve this problem through thinking.
Einstein realize that the argument can be solved if the speed of light is constant regardless of reference frame, while both space and time were relativity to the observers. And this came to be known as special relativity.
Fourth paper: Mass-energy equivalence

The fourth paper was extracted from the special relativity paper or the third paper. In this paper he stated that energy and matter are actually equivalent. And there relation can be expressed in what was to become the most famous equation in history: E=mc^2
General relativity
In 1915 Einstein developed the theory of general relativity, which describes gravity as a curvature of space time. Since the Newtonian explanation can’t explain some astronomical phenomena like the orbit of mercury, Einstein General relativity or GR in short explain the orbit of Mercury perfectly.
GR predict a lot of thins one of them is that light bend around heavy object which was proven during the 1919 solar eclipse. This is not the end of his work because he has done a lot, and has planned to do more but unfortunately he passed at 1955 at the age of 76. Einstein has contributed so many things to the current physics.
A day after his passing, a petition is asking NASA to change the name of the coming "Lunar Gateway" to the "Collins Lunar Gateway"

The Lunar Gateway will be a space station in orbit around the Moon that will provide staging for all future lunar astronauts in the Artemis Program. Before they descend to the surface of the Moon, they will all pass through the Gateway.

Michael Collins was one of the three astronauts aboard Apollo 11, the mission that landed the first men on the Moon. However, Michael Collins did not descend to the surface. He remained alone in orbit for the entirety of his fellow astronauts' trip to the surface. He orbited the Moon for nearly 21 and a half hours by himself.
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Halley’s Comet and Mark Twain 💫
Mark Twain
was born around the time when Halley’s Comet passed the earth and he predicted that he would die during its next visit. He wrote “here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together” He died the day after Halley’s Comet returned.
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Neptune’s Great Dark Spot
The Great Dark Spot in the southern atmosphere of Neptune was first discovered in 1989 by the Voyager 2 spacecraft. It was an incredibly large rotating storm system with winds of upto 1,500 miles per hour, the strongest winds recorded on any planet. How such powerful winds were discovered on a planet so far from the sun is still considered a mystery to this day.
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750 light years
from Earth. TrEs-2b is the darkest planet ever found. It is the size of Jupiter & even blacker than coal. It absorbs almost 100% of light that falls on it.
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The Sun makes a full rotation once every 25 – 35 days.
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Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)
The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) was the very first celestial object to be identified as being spiral.
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SDSS 153636.22+044127.0
A binary black holes have been found sitting in the center of quasar SDSS 153636.22+044127.0 at a distance of about 4 billion light years from Earth.
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Bigger black holes are created when black holes and galaxies collide or two massive black holes collide.
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If you wan to know more about black hole, I have written a lot of thing about it which I have shared it on this channel with some video to help you understand more. If you want to read that here is the link for the series:
Part one:
Introduction to Black Hole
Part two:
• Part 2.1
Detecting Black Hole
• Part 2.2:
Detecting Gravitational Wave
Part 3:
• Part 3.1:
Birth of Black Hole: Formation of Black Hole
• Part 3.2:
Types of black hole
Part 4:
The black hole information paradox
• Part 4.1:
The Black Hole Information Paradox Part One

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Teaspoon of neutron star
A neutron star is so dense that one teaspoon 🥄 (5 milliliters) of its material would have a mass over 5.5×10^12 kg, about 900 times the mass of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
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2024/06/26 02:45:01
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