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" semua lelaki sama " , tak semua lelaki sama , ada yang jahat , ada yang baik , cuma kamu sahaja perlu pilih yang betul .

don't judge someone until you get to know them ") .

hargai semua yang ada dalam hidup kau sebelum terlalu lambat :) .

don't judge my life because i was born to be awesome , not perfect .

takde rupa je , bukan takde hati .

percayalah , aku baik tapi bukan dengan semua orang .

kehilangan memang sakit and perit, kita terpaksa melepaskan sesuatu di saat belum bersedia, walau macam mana pun, hidup kita tetap harus berjalan, ikhlaskan yang pergi itu dengan rela, semuanya akan kembali pulih seperti sediakala.

mulai sekarang, kita dah kene kecikkan circle kita, sebab kita dah boleh kenal, mana kawan, mana lawan, mana baik, mana toxic, kita dah besar, tak perlu untuk memaksa orang supaya stay, just you and only yourself.

"kita ni nak tegur orang nak nasihatkan orang jangan sampai menghina melampau kita ni nk dakwah ke nk buat dosa"-ustaz adnin

if you are happy to leave me , then go on ...

you broke our promises but , at the same time you broke my heart ") .

dulu aku sayang kau macam orang gila tapi sekarang , aku benci kau macam musuh :) .

maybe one day, we will meet and explain each other what really happened, maybe one day, we will finally understand, untill then i hope you live your best life, and i hope you really do all those things you always said you wanted to.

no one has ever apologized, for doing the things they did to me, they only blamed me for how i reacted.

pain changes people, they start to trust less, overthink more and shut people out more frequently.

my mindset, is so different from most people, i don't usually vibe with anyone but if i vibe, it's real.

i don't hate you , i hate what you did .

I trusted you , but you broke my trust .

2024/10/01 09:34:52
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