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Now tap on Notifications and mute the contact for either a custom period of time or forever. I generally leave it for forever. View Search Results in List View Use Multiple Telegram Accounts

Change Phone Numbers 1b This update is being rolled out gradually. If your app is not offering you to update, please wait – the new version will become available soon. So, if you want to create different chat folders on Telegram for your use case then follow along. Open the hamburger menu and move to Settings -> Folders. Here, tap on “Create New Folder” and give a name like personal, work, fun, unread, etc. After that, add the chats that you would like to appear in this folder. Similarly, you can add the kinds of chats that you don’t want to be grouped under this folder. This way Telegram will learn your preferences. Now, the main screen will move to a tabbed UI making it easier to use and manage Telegram. How awesome is that? Sent a picture without adding your usual filter or marking the text you wanted to highlight? Sent the wrong picture altogether? Telegram can help you out. The app allows users to edit photos and even replace them after you have sent it.

How often have you sent a message to a colleague or friend and then realized it is filled with typos? With Telegram, you can quickly make it right with its edit feature. There are a lot of cool things you can do with Telegram, and we have included some of the best ones on this list. You can check out the table of contents below to get an overview of the tricks we have mentioned and jump ahead to whichever Telegram messenger trick you want to learn more about. Telegram Cloud Doubled limits for almost everything in the app

Perhaps the most important and the best feature of the Telegram app is its security. It is based on the MTProto protocol that is built upon time-tested algorithms. It enables high-speed, reliable message delivery on weak connections. Telegram allows users to locate contacts nearby you, should they choose to be discovered. This allows you to quickly add someone close to you on Telegram without going through the hassle of first noting their number and saving the contact manually. Users can also use this feature to find and create groups of nearby users.

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