Forwarded from Ingress
Level 8 Weekend is coming! From Fri, 5 Aug 1600 UTC to Tue, 9 Aug 1600 UTC, the following will be enabled:
- 2X AP on all actions
- 2X deploy L8 Resonators
- 8-minute Drone cooldown
- 80AP for each successful Glyph
- +888AP for each new All-Time Unique Portal Visit as indicated by the Visited layer on the Layers button
- 2X AP on all actions
- 2X deploy L8 Resonators
- 8-minute Drone cooldown
- 80AP for each successful Glyph
- +888AP for each new All-Time Unique Portal Visit as indicated by the Visited layer on the Layers button
Behind The Scanner Chinese
Forwarded from Behind The Scanner Chinese
Ingress 商店上架Level 8 weekend 活動徽章(復刻)
該活動徽章,Ingress 商店只會顯示給予未購買過的玩家。已擁有該活動徽章的玩家, Ingress 商店則不會顯示有該商品。
· Resistance Patch medal (2,500 CMU)
· Enlightened Patch medal (2,500 CMU)
該活動徽章,Ingress 商店只會顯示給予未購買過的玩家。已擁有該活動徽章的玩家, Ingress 商店則不會顯示有該商品。
· Resistance Patch medal (2,500 CMU)
· Enlightened Patch medal (2,500 CMU)
Behind The Scanner Chinese
Forwarded from 世界观察日志
Forwarded from Behind The Scanner Chinese
Peace Links Created 活動開始
獲得該獎牌需要完成 200 Link. (由於 Resistance 贏得了 Superposition Anomaly, 所以 Res 完成160 Link就可以獲得該獎牌)
• Hack Portal 可得更多 Key
• 無人機冷卻時間縮短為8分鐘
• 在 Field 內可建立小於7公里的Link
• 新的 Glyph - Peace
• 動態儲存膠囊-散熱模組,從行走8公里縮短為4公里
獲得該獎牌需要完成 200 Link. (由於 Resistance 贏得了 Superposition Anomaly, 所以 Res 完成160 Link就可以獲得該獎牌)
• Hack Portal 可得更多 Key
• 無人機冷卻時間縮短為8分鐘
• 在 Field 內可建立小於7公里的Link
• 新的 Glyph - Peace
• 動態儲存膠囊-散熱模組,從行走8公里縮短為4公里
Forwarded from Behind The Scanner Chinese
C.O.R.E 作出了改變
• x4 APEX -> x2 APEX
• 增加, XMP x20, 腳 x20
• 增加, 動態儲存膠囊 x2
• x4 APEX -> x2 APEX
• 增加, XMP x20, 腳 x20
• 增加, 動態儲存膠囊 x2