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കെഎസ്ഇബിയിൽ 3 ഡയറക്ടർമാരെ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാൻ ഫീസ് കാൽക്കോടി രൂപ!; ഈ ധൂർത്തും ജനത്തിന്റെ പിടലിക്ക് - KSEB spent 24.78 lakh rupees to elect 3 new directors | Kerala News, Malayalam News | Manorama Online | Manorama News
Why can't we have equal representation from each state for loksabha?

The center has been intentional treating Kerala as a Step child and punishing it for their own gains. With delimitation, whatever north in particular the cow belt decides will be the mandate. Is it fair to us Keralites and other south Indian states that we are punished for controlling our population? North Eastern states suffers worse fate than us.

Wouldn't it be better if we have equal representation from all the states. Like 10 seats each from a state ?
Online clothing frauds in Kerala

Long post ahead - bear with me!

Let me tell you all about the online clothing frauds happening these days in Kerala, especially the so-called “women entrepreneurs” who are making a killing from it.

I’ll start with my own experience. I went to this store run by a woman entrepreneur who does mostly online business and was based in a place called 'Anthinad' in Kottayam initially. This place name was included in her store or online page name also initially. This happened a year back. I didn’t have time to order online since I was traveling abroad soon, and online orders would take at least 1-2 months to arrive. Now, to give you some context, this lady has a shop and a tailoring unit just about 1 km apart.

When I walked into the store, I was actually quite impressed. They had a beautiful collection of clothes, but I was the only customer there. That felt weird. There was just one lady staff around, and none of the clothes had sizes or price tags. Also, not a single dress had a second piece. So, I asked the staff why there were no sizes or prices on the clothes. She gave me some vague answers and said everything was “M” size. She asked me to pick whatever I liked, and they would get it altered to my size since the tailoring unit was nearby. She even said she’d WhatsApp the product pictures to the tailoring unit to check the price.

I felt something was off, but the collection was honestly so good, I ignored the red flags. I’m usually an M size, so I thought I’d give it a try. But surprise, surprise – none of the dresses fit properly, especially around the bust and arms. I told the staff, and she suggested I try a few more, but again, none of them fit.

Now, dealing with this staff was a whole different level of patience testing. She didn’t seem to know anything on her own. For every tiny question I asked, she’d message the tailoring unit and make me wait for them to respond. I was almost pulling my hair out in frustration!

Anyway, I didn’t want to leave empty-handed, so I asked her if I could speak to the owner. She said the “madam” was on her way. When the owner finally showed up, she was all decked up with makeup, busy shooting a reel. She didn’t even bother addressing my concerns properly. She just kept saying to order online since the store only had one or two leftover pieces per design. I told her I didn’t have time for online orders, as I was traveling soon. She just repeated that the tailoring unit could alter any piece for me.

After she left, I reluctantly picked 2-3 pieces and gave them for alteration. Two days later, when I went to collect the clothes, I casually asked the staff, “Is it just me, or do all customers have size issues with these clothes?” That’s when she finally admitted – many customers complain because all the clothes are custom-stitched according to the owner’s size, which she uses for her reels! I was stunned! So basically, this entire store is like her personal wardrobe, filled with clothes stitched to her measurements. No wonder there were no sizes or prices, and no other customers in sight!

And to top it off, the staff never revealed this to me until after I paid the full price and came to collect the clothes. I was so mad, but I just didn’t have the energy to fight, especially after coming straight from a painful dental appointment.

Recently, I heard from a friend who ordered online from this same woman. The website said delivery in 15-20 days, but it’s been 10 months, and still no sign of the order. She’s given up asking for updates because the seller keeps ghosting her, not responding to messages or calls. Once, after I told her where the shop and tailoring unit were, she even tried to visit in person to see what was going on. Turns out, the lady had shut down her unit almost a year ago and moved to some other place. Yet, she’s still posting online and fooling people. Her comment sections are mostly turned off or comments are hidden.

I know my friend isn’t the first to face this, and this isn’t the first time someone like her has cheated customers
without delivering products. But I can’t help thinking about the lakhs of rupees she must have already looted from people and how these kinds of scams seem to be on the rise in Kerala these days. My friend has this attitude that it’s not worth her time and effort to chase down 2000 rupees, thinking it’s pointless. But I wonder how many times this lady has gotten away with it because her victims either don’t want the hassle or don’t know what to do.

Would love to hear if any of you have faced similar situations and what you did about it. Looking forward to your suggestions!
The entertainer of the year, Negative Role! Mazhavil Entertainment Awards by Manorama
People powerful than priests??

We are a Christian family and lot of bad things are happening in our home. Most of these bad things are happening because of the wrong decisons taken by my parents (atleast that is what I believe). So my parents are looking for a fix to these problems. More than looking for a solution they are blaming things like vasthu and things like that. This shit started two months back. I have a brother and one of his friends father came to visit us. He understood the problems in our family. He suggested us to visit this particular lady. He claims that she has some magical or divine power and has solved many problems of people who visit her. So prior to that my parents used to go to all these famous retreat centres including kreupasanam and the one in anakara. My mom used to say that the priests there are powerful and do wonders. She took those ഉടമ്പടി and things. I never fully believed these things. My mother used to do all these rituals but things in our family never changed literally. People Gaslight her by telling that her belief system is weak and sort of things like that. So coming back to that lady thing, my mom was like we went to these retreat centres but still nothing changed, to which that guy told that even priests and nuns are coming to her seeking advice. My mom got sold out to that and called that lady and asked her to come home

She came one day to home. Once she came inside she saw the photo of my aunt(she died in 1999, she was in a treatment after accident). She asked my mom who was that my parents mentioned all details about her. Then my parents told all details about her. Then my parents lead her to the prayer room. But things lady couldn't enter the prayer room. She was feeling some uneasiness. She went outside and started inspecting all things. Then she saw a well in nearby plot(this plot was sold by my father to find money for his medical expense). She went backside of the house. When she went near my room she was feeling bit uneasy again. So she came back to the front of the house. She told that she will come tomorrow.

The next day a she came with a guy and that guy found a piece of metal after digging near the outside of my room. Basically some sort of കൂടോത്രം. Then she told my parents to leave this home asap. She cited 4 reasons for that.
1. My aunt's death is something haunting. She has returned as a bad spirit and she is taking revenge on our family. She suggested us to remove her belonging and her photo from her home asap.
2. The plot we sold was a probelematic one and no one should dig a well there. Our problem started the day that well was digged there. The plots owner is planning to build a house there. She says that the day the house is constructed the owner of the house would die. Since it was our plot earlier we would also face problem. She said that the street(in which we live) is not good for living and people in those streets would face difficulties life long. She also told that we should not mine anything in that place because if we do that we would be cursed.
3.someone who is close to our family placed a കൂടോത്രം so that we will be ruined. This കൂടോത്രം mostly affected me since it was hidden near my room.
4. This is the most suspecious reason I found . There is a temple in our home( Not that close). This lady is saying that our land belong to some temple centuries back and they did poojas and those people used to hid many things inside the ground. Why I feel this is sus is because of the fact that my grandparents build our home and they were the first people to build a home in this locality. (കാട് പിടിച്ച് കിടക്കുന്ന സ്ഥലം ആയത് കൊണ്ട് അരും അവിടേക്ക് വരില്ലായിരുന്നു). Once my grandparents constructed our house people started building their houses. The temple she mentioned came decades after our house was constructed. The temple was constructed by a group of people who migrated to our place from far away regions.

My parents and my brother believed these things completely( I was outside Kerala that time). They removed everthing that my late aunt used and
her photo. My relatives came to know this and got furious of what my parents did. My uncle in Bangalore came to home knowing this and had a heated session with my parents. Now my relatives doesn't contact us anymore. Despite removing those കൂടോത്രം and my late aunt's things, things got even worse in my family. My mom said that since my neighbour dug a well in that area things got worse. After that my mom called that lady but she didn't came. She is saying that whenever she decide to come to our home she gets sick. My mother now wants us to move to a different location.

I returned back to home last week. Yesterday day my brother friends father came. He told us to meet a new guy(again this guy is not a priest), my brothers friends father told my mom that he went to meet this brother and he told many things which happened inside his house which no one else knew. He knew every detail and he was very accurate. Now my mom wants to meet this brother. She now insists me to come with her. If I don't agree my mom would create ruckus in my home.

So from a young age I used to go to all these retreat centres and priests with my parents. My parents literally did everything my these dhyanagurus and priests did and nothing solved those. I turned agnostic over time and doesn't believe in all those things. Most of the bad things happened in my family because of the decisions taken by my parents. Now these people are connecting every bad thing that happened to us with what that lady and brother said. If I question them it's like I am doing a religious blasphemy. My mom would get angry and she will she will start putting some tantrums in home.whenever any decisions are taken in my home no one allow me to give my opinion or even if I give my opinion they wouldn't take that seriously. My mom would rather believe a stranger than me.

My father's friends are advicing hime to go to some hindu manthravadis to find solutions for this against this because she belive that this would backfire us in future. Now I agreed to go and meet this brother after onam. People who went to this guy claims that they lost their consciousness while this guy prays. This guy can tell secrets in our life or things that happened in past. I am not questioning my mom since I don't want any fights to happen in my home. Now my mom and my brother are telling that I don't want my family to get out of this rings of problem, that is why I am questioning those divine people(they are telling that I am the black sheep of the family)

Do you think such people are scammers and do you know any tricks they use
2024/09/28 17:23:54
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