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How is the mosquitoe in your region in Kerala.
Need help. I had to rush out of airport because I had an exam.

Hello. I had to rush out of airport without picking my checkin bag after arrival as I've an exam in the morning at a distant place. How do i get the luggage back? any idea , please help. sorry for being offtopic, dunno Thanks in advance.
മന്ത്രിയുടെ ഭർത്താവിന്റെ കെട്ടിടത്തിനുമുൻപിൽ ഓട വളച്ചു പണിതു; പ്രതിഷേധം, ഹർത്താൽ
2024 Lok Sabha NOTA Share
Help needed. Mechanical engineer in Saudi.

My friend is a mechanical engineer with a little to no experience in the field. He is hard working and good person. He has all the skills a company looking for. And he is eager to learn too. He went to saudi looking for a good job and good life. Also because his papa works there too. The guy who made arrangements there ,said that the job is sure and he just have to come. Now it's been 6 months and no job. Time is running out for him.He attended many interviews. Everyone rejected him because he doesn't have any experience. And many rejected him for ridiculous reasons like religion, looks.... Etc.
Which is affecting his self esteem. Now he's too depressed. I am trying to help him from here.A
If anyone's from saudi Or is a mechanical engineer. Please help.
Kerala rank's fourth among Asia's start up Ecosystem.The worldwide average growth is 46% and Kerala startup ecosystem clocks 254% compund annual growth.
Poster at Maharajas College
TW: suicide Idk if it's the right place but i am coward who couldn't kill herself

Tbh idk where to go rn. I miserably failed while trying to kill myself. I wanna do it again and stumbled upon several videos regarding painless death. Currently in a toxic environment where I can't move out. I am kinda locked up in this place and done with all the emotional blackmailing. I've a job but family is not letting me work. I am done with the years of trauma. If you've any suggestions to kill myself without being in pain, please suggest.
Any leagal issue to have an open bar in wedding?

So me and my fiance are planning on getting married after some months and njangalde rend perudeyum family avishathin adikkunna teams ayakond we were thinking of having an open bar or maybe a paid bar at our wedding. And i was thinking if there would be any legal stuff we have to take care of ath cheyan vendi or something like that? I need advice

And for those who dont know what an open bar or cash bar is,

“An open bar is paid for entirely by the couple, as opposed to a cash bar where guests pay for their own drinks. Open bar service often means wedding guests can enjoy an unlimited number of alcoholic beverages”
( by google ammayi)
What can we as common citizens do about the private bus menace in Kerala?

I travel frequently along the thrissur - calicut route and this road is hell for anyone not in a bus.

Private buses in Kerala have made the roads hell hole. They have a complete disregard for any road rules, etiquette or other vehicles on the road.

Although in the official number of accidents 2023, private buses are placed 5th,, the size of the bus increases potential of an accident. -

Accidents apart,

1. Most buses I've seen would just not stay put in a traffic queue, they'll go into the other lane or come close until any vehicle in front drives off the road
2. Have no regard for safety when overtaking - any vehicle in opposite lane better stop or run for life
3. If they are coming from behind and trying to overtake you, they honk and honk even if there is no space until you drive off the road
4.If there is a bus stop two buses going the opposite sides will stop exactly at same spot and not allow anyone to pass until they are done
5. Honk and aggressively overtake you just to stop exactly just then right after overtaking you
6. Lines on road doesn't exist - if there are two lanes, drive exactly in the center so no one can pass them
7. Stuck in a queue in a narrow road? No worries they will go to the left or right or dance behind you to find a small spot and just blindside you.
8. Even if a bus stop has an alloted stopping space, they stop exactly where they were driving often in the middle of the road,and abruptly and dont care if anyone behind can go or not.

Yes, almost all drivers don't follow lane or traffic queue etiquette but buses due to their size pose a bigger risk. The list above I was summarizing from a 4 wheeler perspective, for a two wheeler I don't think bus drivers even see or considers a two wheeler on the road. These guys act as if the road only belongs to them and have made roads a death trap. Veteran drivers have problems when a bus creeps behind them, newbies and inexperienced drivers are often traumatized that they have driven off the roads or lost control, confidence and caused crashes - the cause of this accident never lists the scare tactic by the buses.

Roads belong to everyone and should be safe to drive for every type of vehicle. Something should be done about this.


1. Why are buses always in a hurry in queues?

Do they have prescribed runtimes between endpoints so that they just race on, whatever the traffic conditions be?
Profit maximization?
Ego races between owners/drivers?
Drivers have no proper training?

There are enough number of Facebook communities sharing the dangerous way Kerala buses drive so I dont think simply making videos is going to make any change.


What can we as common citizens do about this? Authorities either don't care or are busy being influenced by the bus lobbies and associations.

Declare hartal or public strike to bring this issue to focus, cause news cycles until something is done?

Start multiple bus blocking sprees everywhere until someone notices?

Start stoning the errant bus and hope that with enough number ot incidents someone in power starts to ask questions?

There should be something we can do
This cannot be let to go on like this.
മുസ്‌ലിം പ്രീണന പരാമർശത്തിൽ വെളളാപ്പളളിക്കെതിരെ മുസ്‌ലിം സംഘടനകള്‍; പ്രതികരിക്കാതെ സി.പി.എം. പ്രചാരണം തെറ്റെന്ന് വ്യക്തമാക്കാൻ ഔദ്യോഗിക കണക്കുകള്‍ സർക്കാർ പുറത്തിവിടണമെന്നും മുസ്‌ലിം സംഘടനകള്‍ ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ടു.
2024/09/27 15:32:05
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