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A plume of ink can help hide a cuttlefish as it scuttles away from a predator. But that smoke screen’s stench may also warn sharks to stay away. The ink’s primary component, melanin, strongly sticks to sharks’ smell sensors — more so than the odorant in mammalian blood, researchers report.

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🖥 The perspicacity of human ingenuity in the face of adversity is often underestimated, for within the complex paths of human thought lies an inexhaustible wellspring of innovation. As the indomitable spirit overcomes seemingly insurmountable challenges, one cannot help but admire the lucky combination of tenacity and creativity that drives humanity forward yet engenders a tapestry of unparalleled complexity.

✳️ Check out the boldfaced words in a dictionary to study their pronunciation, collocations, parts of speech, and examples.

#Read_Aloud #RA
Several people were stabbed and two people were seriously ----1---- near the former offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris. Police said that they had arrested a suspect following the ----2---- near Richard-Lenoir Metro station. The suspect was identified as an 18-year-old man of Pakistani ----3----, and he was armed with a meat cleaver. Six other people were ----4---- in connection with the attack and questioned. Officers also cordoned off an area after reports of a ----5---- package nearby. However, it was not clear if it there was any connection with the stabbing.

A) Incident B) Genesis C) Detained D) Wounded E) Emanated
F) Suspicious G) Origin
1. Wounded 2. Incident 3. Origin 4. Detained 5. Suspicious
❇️Analysis of the answers:

1. Wounded (v.): based on English word order after the subject we must use a verb and based on meaning “wounded” is correct.
2. Incident (n.): before the gap the article “the” is used so we must use a noun in the gap and based on meaning “incident” is correct.
3. Origin (n.): the word before the gap is an adjective and after the adjective, we must use a noun and based on meaning “origin” is correct.
4. Detained (v.): based on English word order after the subject we must use a verb and since the sentence is passive, we must use a past participle verb and based on meaning “detained” is correct.
5. Suspicious (adj.): the gap is between an article and a noun so we must use an adjective in the gap and based on meaning “suspicious” is correct.

تحلیل :
1. براساس چینش کلمات در انگلیسی بعد از فاعل باید از فعل استفاده کرد و با توجه به معنا کلمه wounded صحیح است.
2. قبل از جای خالی حرف تعریف the استفاده شده است پس در جای خالی اسم استفاده میشود و با توجه به معنا کلمه incident صحیح است.
3. کلمه قبل از جای خالی صفت است و بعد از صفت باید از اسم استفاده کرد و براساس معنا کلمه origin صحیح است.
4. براساس چینش کلمات در انگلیسی بعد از فاعل باید از فعل استفاده کرد و از آنجایی که جمله passive است قعل در حالت past participle باید استفاده شود و با توجه به معنا کلمه detained صحیح است.
5. جای خالی بین حرف تعریف و اسم است پس در جای خالی صفت استفاده میشود و با توجه به معنا کلمه suspicious صحیح است.

1. Wounded (v.): Injured. مجروح شده
2. Incident (n.): an instance of something happening; an event or occurrence. حادثه, واقعه
3. Origin (n.): a person's social background or ancestry. اصل و نسب
4. Detained (v.): keep (someone) in official custody, typically for questioning about a crime or in a politically sensitive situation. بازداشت شد
5. Suspicious (adj.): having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something. مشکوک
Levi Strauss beat revenue and profit estimates, ----1---- by an uptick in demand for jeans from people getting new clothes for their wardrobes amid the ----2---- of health ----3----. Shares of the iconic jeans maker shot up more than 9% on Thursday, one day after the company reported that its ----4---- jumped by 41%. While supply issues have hurt many companies, ----5---- expect Levi Strauss to face less pressure because it doesn´t rely much on Vietnam where several factories closed because of the health crisis.

A) Confinement B) Easing C) Adjudicate D) Boosted E) Analysts
F) Revenues G) Restrictions
1. Boosted 2. Easing 3. Restrictions 4. Revenues 5. Analysts
❇️Analysis of the answers:

1. Boosted (v.): based on English word order after the subject we must use a verb and based on meaning “boosted” is correct.
2. Easing (n.): after the article “the’’ we must use a noun and the gerund form of a verb can be used as a noun based on meaning “easing” is correct.
3. Restrictions (n.): here we have a compound noun so we must use a noun in the gap and based on meaning “restrictions” is correct.
4. Revenues (n.): before the gap a possessive pronoun is used so we must use a noun in the gap and based on meaning “revenues” is correct.
5. Analysts (n.): based on English word order subject is used in the beginning of a sentence and based on meaning “analysts” is correct.

تحلیل :
1. براساس چینش کلمات در انگلیسی بعد از فاعل باید فعل استفاده شود و با توجه به معنا کلمه boosted صحیح است.
2. بعد از حرف تعریف the باید اسم استفاده شود و فعل در حالت gerund خود میتواند نقش اسم را ایفا کند با توجه به معنا کلمه easing صحیح است.
3. در این قسمت ترکیب اسمی داریم پس در جای خالی اسم استفاده میشود و با توجه به معنا کلمه restrictions صحیح است.
4. قبل از جای خالی ضمیر مالکیت استفاده شده است پس در جای خالی اسم استفاده میشود و با توجه به معنا کلمه revenues صحیح است.
5براساس چینش کلمات در انگلیسی در ابتدای جمله فاعل می آید و با توجه به معنا کلمه analysts صحیح است.

1. Boosted (v.): help or encourage (something) to increase or improve. تقویت کردن
2. Easing (n.): make (something unpleasant or intense) less serious or severe. سهولت بخشیدن
3. Restrictions (n.): a limiting condition or measure, especially a legal one. محدودیت
4. Revenues (n.): income, especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature. درآمد
5. Analysts (n.): a person who conducts analysis. تحلیلگر
#RFIB_S .205
Childhood is a time when there are ….1…. responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child ….2…. good parents, he is fed, looked ….3…. and loved, whatever he may do, it is improbable that he will ever again in his life ….4…. given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child. A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain or in the snow. His first visit to the seaside is marvellous adventure. But a child has his pains; he is not free to do as he wishes; he is continually being ….5…. not to do things or is being .…6.... His life is therefore not perfectly happy.

1. A) many B) little C) few D) more
2. A) had B) have C) has D) will have
3. A) up B) at C) after D) around
4. A) is B) has C) are D) be
5. A) telling B) told C) tell D) restrict
6. A) beat B) penalizing C) disturbing D) punished


1. (C) few
2. (C) has
3. (C) after
4. (D) be
5. (B) told
6. (D) punished


1. The concept of this sentence suggests that the quantifiers like “few” or “little” must be used here. As far as “responsibilities” is a plural countable noun, so “few” must be used. “little” is used for uncountable nouns.
1. مفهموم این جلمه نشان میدهد که quantifier های “little” یا “few” باید استفاده شود. از آنجایی که کلمه “responsibilities” یک اسم جمع قابل شمارش هست پس “few” درست است. از کلمه “little” برای اسامی غیر قابل شمارش استفاده میشود.

2. Here we can see a type zero conditional. The verb in result clause is “is fed” that is a present simple passive tense, so we can conclude that in the if-clause part we do need a present simple as well. Since “child” is a third person singular noun so the correct answer is “has”.
2. در اینجا با شرطی نوع صفر روبرو هستیم. فعل در result clause به صورت حال ساده مجهول است، پس میتوانیم نتیجه بگیریم که فعل در قسمت if-clause هم باید به صورت حال ساده باشد. از آنجایی که “child” اسم سوم شخص مفرد است پس جواب درست “has” است.

3. The word “look” can collocate with different prepositions and get different meanings. In this part of the passage the concept of protecting and supporting of the child is being mentioned so the verb “look after” would be the best answer.
Look after: to take care of or be in charge of someone or something
3. کلمه “look” میتواند با حروف اضافه های متعددی استفاده شود معنای آن تغییر کند. در این قسمت از متن به مفهوم کلی حمایت و پشتیبانی از بچه اشاره شده است. بنابراین فعل درست “look after” است.

4. An adverbial phrase can be used in between a verb as we have an example here: “ever again in his life”. “Will” is a kind of modal verb and its passive structure is this: “will + be + past participle”. So by seeing the word “given” we can understand that the correct answer is “be”.
4. یک عبارت قیدی میتواند در وسط یک فعل ظاهر شود مانند این عبارت: “ever again in his life”. Will یک نوع فعل modal است و ساختار مجهول این به این شکل است: “will + be + past participle”. بنابراین با دیدن “given” متوجه میشویم که جواب درست “be” است.

5. Whenever we see this structure “to be verb + being” we can easily understand that this is a passive continuous form so after “being” a past participle must be used in order to complete the structure.
5. هر زمانی که با این ساختار مواجه شدیم: “to be verb + being” میتوانیم به راحتی تشخیص دهیم که این سختار مجهول زمان های ساده استمراری است. به منظور کامل شدن این سختار، بعد از being باید از فعل به شکل سومش استفاده کرد.

6. Here, also as the previous question, we can see the structure “is + being”. So by choosing the correct past participle we answer this question correctly.
6. در اینجا هم مانند سوال قبلی، ساختار “is + being” دیده میشود. پس با انتخاب شکل سوم فعل جواب این سوال به راحتی داده میشود.

Ecology, in a very simple term, is a science that ….1…. the interdependent mutually reactive and interconnected relationships .…2.… the organisms and their physical environment on the one hand and among the organisms on the other hand though the term “ecology’’ was first coined and used by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel in 1869, a few conceptual terms ….3…. already proposed to reveal relationships between organisms and their environment. For example, French zoologist I.G. Hilaire used the term ethology for the study of the relations of ….4.… organisms within the family and society in the aggregate and in the community. British naturalist St. George Jackson Mivart proposed the term hexicology with regard ….5…. the study of the relations of living creatures to other organisms and their environment as regards the nature of the locality they frequent, the temperature and the .…6…. of light which suit them, and their relations to other organisms as enemies, rivals, or accidental and involuntary benefactors.

1. A) studies B) study C) studying D) exploring
2. A) among B) between C) to D) for
3. A) are B) were C) have been D) have
4. A) the B) a C) which D) dead
5. A) as B) to C) at D) of
6. A) amount B) focus C) share D) quality


1. (A) studies
2. (B) between
3. (B) were
4. (A) the
5. (B) to
6. (A) amount


1. In this part, a clause is started with “that” and after this conjunction we need a verb. Moreover, the verb must have a tense. As far as the word “science” is concerned, “studies” is the correct answer.
1. در این قسمت جمله واره ای دیده میشود که با “that” شروع شده است و بعد از این کلمه باید از فعل استفاده شود. فعلی که استفاده میشود باید زمان داشته باشد و از آنجایی که این جمله واره در مورد کلمه “science” توضیح میدهد پس جواب درست “studies” است.

2. After the blank we can see two concepts; the first one is “the organisms” and the second one is “their physical environment”. When two concepts are being mentioned the correct answer is “between”.
2. بعد از جای خالی به دو مورد اشاره شده است. اولی “the organisms” و دومی “their physical environment”. در چنین حالتی از کلمه “between” استفاده میشود.

3. Here “a few conceptual terms” is a noun phrase, and as the meaning suggests this is a passive noun since it cannot perform any action by itself. “proposed” is the past participle so we need a to be verb. According to the tense of the passage the correct answer is “were”.
3. در اینجا “a few conceptual terms” یک عبارت اسمی است و با توجه به معنی آن یک اسم منفعل است که در ساختار مجهول قرار میگیرد. “proposed” در اینجا شکل سوم کلمه است پس قبل از آن به فعل to be نیاز است که با توجه به زمان متن گزینه درست “were” است.

4. Here “organisms” is a noun and before the blank there is a preposition, so definitely there is no need of a preposition. This noun lacks an article so the correct answer is “the”.
4. در اینجا “organisms” اسم است و قبل از جای خالی یک حرف اضافه دیده میشود، پس حرف اضافه دیگری نمیواند استفاده شود. این اسم فاقد حرف تعریف است پس حرف تعریف “the” درست است.

5. “with regard to” is a frequently used phrase in English that means: in connection with.
Example: I am writing to you with regard to your letter of 15 March.
5. در زبان انگلیسی عبارت “with regard to” یک عبارت متداول است به معنی "در ارتباط با یا در رابطه با چیزی". پس در اینجا حرف اضافه “to” درست است.

6. It is obvious that a noun must be used after the article “the”. In relation to the meaning “amount” is the correct answer.
6. واضح است که بعد از حرف تعریف “the” باید از اسم استفاده شود. با توجه به معنا گزینه درست “amount” است.
ترجمه این قسمت:
“the temperature and the amount of light which suit them”
"دما و مقدار نوری که برایشان مناسب است."

Re-Tell Lecture
Forwarded from Armin Sedaghatnia
Lecture Script:

John, what’s your favorite new word at the moment? Really I don’t have favorite new words, but let’s say that one of my favorite new words is screenager, which is a young person or a teenager who spends a lot of time in front of the computer. Any other favorites, John? Some of those rather unpleasant words like splod, somebody who is socially inept, a splody person, but as I said I don’t really have favorite words because all words as far as I’m concerned are objects of scientific study. And where do these new words and phrases come from? Well, words come out of the culture that they represent and they describe so if you’ve got a new development in medicine, for example bird flu, then you’ll get a new word coming out of that. If there’s a military conflict that may well bring all sorts of new words to the fore. Going back in time the First and Second World Wars were times of great creativity of language because people from different countries met each other and exchanged their words and words developed from there. So really words come from , they come from the playground, they come from politics, they come from any area of life because every area of life is changing from day to day. How do you keep up with the huge weight of new words you must have to evaluate? Well, it’s not just me ,we’ve got something like 60 editors working on the Oxford dictionary and we also have readers and word spotters throughout the world who are sending us information in. In the old days they used to write them out on index cards when they came across some in books, but nowadays they tend to type them onto their computers and send them into the central computer here. It’s an enormous issue ,but one which we just about manage to keep under control. We don’t include words just because we’ve seen one example of them we have to wait for evidence of general currency to build up in our computer files before we start putting the word in the dictionary. So a lot of the time it’s collecting data, letting it build up and then reviewing it and seeing what you’ve got and so that’s how we manage the work.

#RL #ReTell_Lecture
2025/02/22 15:21:26
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