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Gitanas Nausėda, president of Lithuania, has nominated Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya for the Nobel Peace Prize.

This was reported by Lithuanian BNS agency citing “informed sources.” The candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize can be submitted until January 31. The laureates are selected by the Nobel Committee.
Media is too big
A video address from Minskers: “This is our flag!”
“A man turned into one giant bruise”. Andrei Pashkevich, 18-year old goalkeeper of the Vityaz handball club spent 15 days at Akrescina. This is what he told about his experience, once he was let out.

“At Akrescina you stay in the cold with your hands raised up. Then you stand this way at the tiny cell. You just can't understand why it's done. You also can't quite understand why the guards make an effort to stomp loudly in their combat boots.”

“A guy in my call was badly beaten. I haven't seen such bruises in my entire life. A man turned into one giant bruise. I can't understand how you can treat people this way. Can' put this into words. Turned out, this man was detained near the Komarovski market as he was going home with groceries. Then he was badly beaten in a van. You know, his bruises were like the ones on the pictures in August.”
Solidarity rallies took place in different locations. Despite noone of them was mass or was held in the centre of the city, 120 people were detained today.
Julie D. Fisher, approved as the US Ambassador to Belarus, will visit several European cities on February 1-8, where she will meet with government partners to discuss ways to work together to support the Belarusian people striving for independence and democracy.
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, in a phone conversation with Dominic Raab, British Foreign Minister, called for expanding sanctions against riot police, GUBOPiK and the KGB, and for extending the Magnitsky act to Lukashenko's “wallets”. In response, Raab promised that the UK, together with partners from the United States and other countries, would work to increase the pressure on Lukashenko and resolve the crisis in Belarus.
Luzia Tschirky, a Swiss journalist, told about her yesterday's detention in Minsk:

“I wanted to have a coffee with a friend in Minsk. I am legally staying in the country with a visa and accreditation. We were waiting for traffic lights to turn green. Men in black masks dragged us into a black minibus without explanation. I was released after three hours. My acquaintance and her husband were detained for more than six hours and then taken to the detention center. People were tortured in the same building in August. My Belarusian friends are trying to calm me down, but I'm so worried about my friend and her husband. They will be brought to justice tomorrow. Her phones have been confiscated. Nobody told them what they dragged them off the street together with me today. Belarus is the country where people cannot wait at traffic lights.”
Five men who damaged a car belonging to a police officer's wife got from 2 to 6 years in prison.

One of the accused was diagnosed with multiple contusions and a closed cranial trauma after he was detained. He spent a week recuperating at the hospital.
Besides the talk with deputy head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Julie Fischer, the US Ambassador to Belarus, held a meeting with Pavel Latushka to learn about the important work done by the People's Anticrisis Management. The diplomats discussed many topics, including the US support for Belarus and the Act on Democracy in Belarus.
Four employees of the store were sentenced by the court to 20 days of arrest for “picketing by placing products with symbols on the counter.”
2024/06/24 13:26:34
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