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*Just like that*

All promise made with no compromise,
Just a while of bond in our own premise,
Explored our fantasies, not minding the falsities,
Letting go of our frinemy, so together to find our destiny.

And just like that we went,
We made mistakes and wept,
Our love, wild ocean swept,
Swept ashore with nothing left,
You left my heart with my head bent,
I felt I lost a trouser and found a belt,
So what we got were child's enjoyment,
Our feelings smelt the best but now depressed.
The soaring wounds got my head bent,
Just like calamity befalling a man's tent,
With no protection, no prevention, not even a net.
I hope this is not breakup, hope it's just a test!

_Roi Dii_

Mama weep no more
My passion in what I do is a calling
A calling that I've to respond to
For I was born for it.

Mama let your tears
Tears be of joy
Let them drip down in victory
For the battle is worn.

Mama dry your tears
This uniform represents you
For it's a gear of combat
Meaning I've to defend my country.

Mama rejoice in me
For I'm making the world a better place
A better place for you en our generation to come
So that peace may rein.

Mama always anticipate my return
For I may never return breathing
Hold your head high
For I died in the line of duty!

*ยฉยฎ Mylistic Master Pen ๐Ÿ–‹ ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ช*
*Song of Songs 2*


I am a rose of *Sharon,*
a lily of the valleys.


Like a lily among thorns
is my darling among the young women.


Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest
is my beloved among the young men.
I delight to sit in his shade,
and his fruit is sweet to my taste.
Let him lead me to the banquet hall,
and let his banner over me be love.
Strengthen me with raisins,
refresh me with apples,
for I am faint with love.
His left arm is under my head,
and his right arm embraces me.
Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you
by the gazelles and by the does of the field:
Do not arouse or awaken love
until it so desires.
This Woman

To all who know her,
and to all who have yet
to meet her.
I will tell you
this woman is no sweet flower.
She can take laughter
and make it something else.
Make it something the gods
would go insane over.
She carries beauty
and it is thrown around as if it is useless.
Nobody cares, she thinks,
no one is watching,
but I'm watching:
with my hands and soul,
with my all.
Her smile feeds me.
I need it to survive.
To stay alive.
It is that powerful.
It is that satisfying.
This woman's essence:
it is everything.
It is everything I am not.
I think I feel her.
I can feel her flowing
inside me, inside us all.
How could this happen?
I will tell you...
this woman is no ordinary woman.
She takes laughter
and makes it something else.
She makes it sound
a lot like love.
Like Sunday morning
after a legendary Saturday night.
She makes love
sound like it is a good
Maybe it is or
maybe it isn't, but
that doesn't matter.
I'll do it anyway.
People do whatever they
feel: good or bad.
They do it.
Love makes us
do it.
Love is a stupid
little thing.
It makes us do stupid
little things.
We know this
and still, we do it.
We fall in love.

Stay away from her.
This type of woman is trouble.
This type of woman has something.
Something I am missing.
Something that has to
do with everything.
This woman is no good,
they tell me.

This woman I have been
looking for my entire life.
Don't Miss Me

Don't miss me when I'm gone,
For I'll be in a better place.
But please, don't forget me,
And the love we used to embrace.

Don't miss me when I'm gone,
For I'll be free from all pain.
But please, don't let my memory fade,
And our moments be in vain.

Don't miss me when I'm gone,
For I'll be in eternal sleep.
But please, don't forget my face,
And the promises we couldn't keep.

Don't miss me when I'm gone,
For I'll be just a memory.
But please, don't let me be forgotten,
And our love become a mystery.

Don't miss me when I'm gone,
For I'll be at peace at last.
But please, don't forget my name,
And the moments that have passed.

Don't miss me when I'm gone,
For I'll be beyond your reach.
But please, don't let go of our love,
And the lessons that it did teach.

Don't miss me when I'm gone,
For I'll be in a better place.
But please, don't forget me,
And the love we used to embrace.

ยฉยฎ Brown Sketchys ๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ
First day buying a car๐Ÿ˜‚
My bleeding heart
Why are you beating so hard?
Is she coming through the door she left?
Will she still pet us as she always do?
Will she hold my hands when the night is cold?
Will she quench your thirst of love?

Oh my bleeding heart
I know I pulled the petty trick on ourselves,
But she had us good,
She had us when we thought we can't fall,
Then she left when the key is with her.

She left when we were on the slide,
Now we have none to hold onto,
Now we have none to weep and lean on,
Now my heart have no one to propel around
and we shed tears of blood,
And cry seas of graved thought,
But we knew she won't be back.

Abdulrazak Muhammed โœ๏ธ
My dearest love,

Words cannot fully express the depth of my feelings for you, but I will try my best to convey the overwhelming emotions that fill my heart.

From the moment I met you, I knew there was something special about you. Your smile lights up my world, your laughter is like music to my ears, and your presence brings me a sense of comfort and joy that I have never known before.

Every time I think of you, my heart swells with love and gratitude. You have brought so much happiness and meaning into my life, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

I cherish every moment we spend together, whether it's a simple walk in the park, a cozy night in watching movies, or a romantic dinner under the stars. You are my rock, my confidante, and my greatest source of strength.

I promise to always cherish and protect what we have, to stand by your side through thick and thin, and to love you unconditionally, now and forever.

You are my everything, my love, my life. I thank the stars every day for bringing you into my world, and I will never take your presence for granted.

With all my love,
Forwarded from Dark side.
*melodies and pancakes.*

It's an April morning, outside chilly. The frost creeping on the sides of my duvet. Outside I can hear the patter of a drizzle. How sublime, the cacophony of rain. My eyes flutter, darting across the room. Trying to ascertain what time of the day it is. You can't tell with a cloudy sky. Lazily, I turn. You are asleep beside me. When did you become the big spoon in the night? I ask myself. My eyes find your eyelids in the dark of a moody morning. And you stir so slightly. How ethereal. Your eyes twitch as if synchronized to mine. You turn. And I turn with you. You are a specimen, and I a scientist. We are in a lab and I'm watching you. How profound. The small of your back embedded in mine. And all my guard is let down. I'm falling, in a dream, but falling towards you. I'm stuck in your grace. And I don't want to wake up from this.
ยฉ๐Ÿ…ป๐Ÿ…พ๐Ÿ…ฝ๐Ÿ…ด โ„ข๐Ÿคฌ
No Time To Breathe

No time to live.
No time to sleep.
No time to love yourself,
eat or dream.
People, almost all I know,
live too fastly.
Once given anything that
requires a little time,
they tend to lose their
goddamn minds.
But I, too, am like this.
I cannot wait, waiting pulls out
the rage and the madness
and the chaos
and it is ferocious.
And I think I want you.
I just do not have the
time to fall in love.
Desert Places
by Robert Frost

Snow falling and night falling fast, oh, fast
In a field I looked into going past,
And the ground almost covered smooth in snow,
But a few weeds and stubble showing last.

The woods around it have it - it is theirs.
All animals are smothered in their lairs.
I am too absent-spirited to count;
The loneliness includes me unawares.

And lonely as it is, that loneliness
Will be more lonely ere it will be less -
A blanker whiteness of benighted snow
With no expression, nothing to express.

They cannot scare me with their empty spaces
Between stars - on stars where no human race is.
I have it in me so much nearer home
To scare myself with my own desert places.
Ooh! Life snatcher,here we are,
Be audible as we have a talk,
Why do people fear your touch?
They're frightened by your cold touch.

I hate to say good-byes,
I feel lost when my loved ones lay in deep silence,
I don't like being robbed by you,
The absence of my people cause me trauma and pain.

My grandpa told me a story,
That you're just a transition,
That you're just a guide, leading souls to final homes,
That you take them away from the world's pains,
But your behavior to me, is the most painful.

As cruel as you are,death,
You demand my own people,
I know we might have had arguments the other day,
But it doesn't mean we wouldn't need them anymore.

The darkness you bring to my life,
Even so invisible,but I do feel your cold fingers,
Don't you think it should be enough?
Or maybe let's make a deal!

Listen, let's make a deal,
I understand maybe you're just a guide,
But,heed my plea this time,
I am not ready to leave,
Neither am I ready to sleep that long in the cold.

My dreams are unfulfilled yet,
I'm a burning flame that's not ready to dim,
Spare my fleshy bones,set me free,
I won't pick up if you call me soon.

I need to see what my sweat yields,
I want to love,laugh and smile with my people,
I'm a tree standing tall, not ready to fall,
Hear my plea,for I want to taste the joys of this world.


Upon the canvas of the sky,
A vast expanse of cerulean hue,
Where thoughts and dreams, both high and low,
Are reflected in the great blue,

A tale of nothingness unfolds,
A saga of the in between,
The spaces 'tween the stars, the void,
A realm without beginning or end.

In this boundless, timeless space,
Where nothingness doth rule the day,
The mind, it wanders, seeks reprieve,
From life's relentless, weary fray.

No words can capture, nor define,
What lies within this vast expanse,
Yet, in this emptiness, we find,
A tranquil sanctuary, peaceful glance.

No form or shape, no sound or light,
Simply nothingness, a void of gray,
And, in this vacuum of existence,
Dwells the heart, in quiet play.

The mind, it ventures boldly forth,
Into the abyss, the great unknown,
And, as the emptiness surrounds,
It finds within its depths, a home.

For in this boundless sea of naught,
One finds a refuge, calm, and pure,
A place where thoughts can wander free,
And rest, in solitude, secure.

So, let us celebrate this void,
This nothingness that's all around,
For in its depths, we may discover,
The secrets of our very own.

In this great expanse of nothingness,
Lies the essence of our being,
A realm where thoughts, untethered, fly,
In search of meaning, endless seeking.
2024/06/20 11:52:09
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