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_What nobody says_

Maybe its not how you see it that makes it,
Maybe its not the footstep that counts,
Maybe its not the battles that defines it,
Maybe its not even what they say that's appropriate,
Maybe its not going to kill you,
Its just your mind,
Wrapping packages that's not befitting to your vision,
Molding cups that doesn't suit your kind of wine,
Hissing away the blockbuster idea God gave to you,
Allowing your surf answers through the world and you're the answer,
Maybe its that enemy in you,
Because you allowed it linger on your blood too long,
Bluring you away from being the world's best,
Archaic your dreams to an eighteenth century disaster,
You've gone drunk on your darkness,
That the very sight of light is like fire on your skin,
You've hurt yourself badly,
Why don't you heal yourself?
You're ain't Jesus but can be the light you yearn for,
You can dust off the thousand lies its saying to you,
You can run it your way and ace every bit,
You can eliminate the enemy you've never seen,
You can do this!!!
And you're starting on the hour of this note,
Victory is yours, can you feel like I do?

ยฉFortunate writes
Forwarded from Dark side.
*melodies and pancakes.*

It's an April morning, outside chilly. The frost creeping on the sides of my duvet. Outside I can hear the patter of a drizzle. How sublime, the cacophony of rain. My eyes flutter, darting across the room. Trying to ascertain what time of the day it is. You can't tell with a cloudy sky. Lazily, I turn. You are asleep beside me. When did you become the big spoon in the night? I ask myself. My eyes find your eyelids in the dark of a moody morning. And you stir so slightly. How ethereal. Your eyes twitch as if synchronized to mine. You turn. And I turn with you. You are a specimen, and I a scientist. We are in a lab and I'm watching you. How profound. The small of your back embedded in mine. And all my guard is let down. I'm falling, in a dream, but falling towards you. I'm stuck in your grace. And I don't want to wake up from this.
ยฉ๐Ÿ…ป๐Ÿ…พ๐Ÿ…ฝ๐Ÿ…ด โ„ข๐Ÿคฌ
Book of Life

Life is like a book, a tale unfurled,
Filled with chapters of joy and aching sorrows.
Each page turned, a story to be told,
With moments of triumph and dreams we hold.

In the opening lines, you'll enter the world,
Blank pages beckon, waiting to be filled.
The innocence of youth, a tender start,
With boundless curiosity in every part.

As we venture forth, the plot takes shape,
With twists and turns, both gentle and severe.
The characters we meet, their lives intertwine,
Leaving imprints on our hearts, like poetic lines.

Some chapters are bright, bathed in golden light,
Filled with laughter, love, and sweet delight.
Friendships forged, like ink on pristine pages,
Creating memories that withstand the ages.

But shadows loom, for no story is without pain,
Heartbreak and loss, like tears upon the rain.
In these darkest moments,
We find our strength to keep turning the pages

Life's conflicts rise, like mountains to ascend,
Challenges faced, like battles we must defend.
Yet in every lows,
We learn, grow and glow as chapters flows.

Through the middle chapters, we seek our purpose,
Searching for meaning and a life that's worth this.
Exploring passions, seeking paths unknown,
Discovering our true selves, as we've grown.

You'll read things you don't want to read,
You'll learn lessons that you don't desire to hold.
You'll meet characters: grouchy and gregarious characters,
And you'll not miss out affable ones.

And as the final chapters come into view,
We reflect on the journey, the highs and lows.
The bittersweet nostalgia of moments gone by,
Leaving footprints on our souls, like stars in the sky.

So cherish the pages, the chapters, the tale,
For life is a book, an exquisite travail.

ยฉ Nalianya

A glimmer of hope to relinquish doubt...
Fear in grand, aggrandizing the thoughts of trepidation!
Not me but Thee!
In the wilderness cried I โ€” in search of solace I remained dormant...
Dominated by the strife of life yet would I enliven a legacy of thrives in sprees...
We're told *the water that drains quickly was in love with the earth then* so is love in the hands of its traitors disguised as lovers...
A lover's hope is the intent of being lovable forever, for the traitor to truncate that love with abhorrence...
Hold on, there appears to be a glimmer of hope after every demise...
Don't be dismayed, life would smile at us again and we shall conceive love; unfurled....
*ยฉ๏ธTheophy IP*
When I look back, I..
I realise I was naive.
Followed my stupid heart's notions like a blind puppy with Job's faith in people.
Offering my innocence on the platter to Herod's daughter.
Ndaiti ishamwari yangu yepedyo.
All she ever wanted was the money
My own blood sold me off to Egypt.
Where my body was auctioned to the highest bidder.
Canaan is not anywhere in the horizon.
I barely even dream of it...

_To be continued_

*Word_wind'24 ยฉยฎ*

Ode to Dulce Commode : A tale of Sweetness

You are the story you long
To read, let me weave a tale
Of your sweetness, as I
Extract sugar from the
Crevices off your heart.
Maybe you've never wandered
Through a sugar plantation,
But there's one flourishing
Within your heart's embrace.
Your dulcet thought, is a
Root to love that anchors mine
Weak heart, no wonder i ne'er
Fall. That saccharine leaf
Node is a shade to all broken
Hearts, a sign of respect.

ยฉ Charles Lungu.
I always cry myself to sleep,
Wondering if you were truly God's creation.
Did my tears never affect you?
Did my pleadings and beggings fall on deaf ears?
Are you truly happy in my absence?
Was it all a lie?
Do you never check your phone for my messages and calls?
Are my pictures deleted?
Does she really make you the man I hoped you would be for me?
I pray ,
I cry,
I yearn for peace and healing
_As soon as_
_the light fades_
_You're gone;_
_Like blue skies_
_Into stars_ .

_And I sit & I wait,_
_Like a hill,_
_For the sky_
_And the rain,_
_And for you._

_And I sit & I melt_
_Like the gold_
_Of the summer sky_
_And as the night_
_Sings you quietly_

_I know you live_
_in my eyes._

โ€”Michael A Tupu
Who was your favourite character in this comic book ,shujaaz ?
Thursday wallpaper thread

Drop yours in the comments
๐—™๐—ฅ๐—œ๐——๐—”๐—ฌโ€™๐—ฆ ๐—ฃ๐—ฅ๐—”๐—ฌ๐—˜๐—ฅ

May the Lord bles you today,

May He see you through all your heart desires,

May He cushion you from any setback, failure and disappointment.

May He present Himself to you like the caring God of Israel in the wilderness.

I can give trust wholeheartedly,
Let you catch me as I fall,
But my trust must be earned,
As betrayed Iโ€™ve been before.

If you knock down my walls,
Have me vulnerable and raw,
Nurture my trust carefully,
Because my trust once was my flaw.

By Jessโ€™s poems ๐Ÿ–คยฉ๏ธ
2024/06/20 11:25:05
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