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Secret Chats If you ever receive any cool short audio clip like a meme sound or any hilarious sound effect (also works with the sent audio) just long-press on it and choose the “Save for Notifications” option in the popup. Delete Sender’s Message

Telegram Cloud Chat Folders However, Message history is the most revealing part of your phone when it comes to private information. I hope you may have some experience with it? Polls and Quiz Mode

To use a proxy server in Telegram, open Settings > Data and Storage > Proxy Settings. Enable Use Proxy and you'll need to fill in all the required information to add it. You can find server info for this online if needed. Premium Unique Stickers To create a channel, right swipe on the homepage, and tap on “New Channel”. Provide your channel name, description, select channel type, and create a unique URL. That’s it. Mute a Telegram chat

Telegram also has an auto-night mode that you can use to save your eyes at night! Schedule Messages

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