However, Telegram only uses this encryption in calls and in its “secret chats” feature, not in regular chats. Those are only encrypted client to server. Meanwhile, WhatsApp, the supposedly less secure service, has used end-to-end encryption in all messages, calls, and video calls since 2016. See also: How to delete a Telegram account The Telegram icon on an Honor View 20 on a blue background with a cat and a fish.
Telegram has a personal ‘Saved Messages’ space for each user. This is accessible from the left hamburger menu on the main screen. Users can save important messages here which will be backed up on Telegram’s secure cloud just like your chats. The Saved Messages space can then be accessed across you’re your phone, laptop and any other device where your account is logged in. You can also write a longer bio and include a link in it. Similarly, Premium allows adding more characters to media captions. Finding the proper way to respond to any message will be easier with up to 400 favorite GIFs. Lastly, Premium users can reserve up to 20 public links, making any group or channel you create stand out with a short and concise link. Custom Theme Your Telegram 4b Live Location Sharing
Take Control of Telegram Privacy and Security Animated Profile Picture Creator on macOS And now you have your own newly themed Telegram. There are so many themes on the Android Themes channel that you can change them daily and still won’t run out of them in years, so enjoy!! To adjust the theme, go to Settings > Chat Settings on Android, or Settings > Appearance on iOS. Here you can change the text size, bubble colors, night mode settings, and similar options. Choose Chat Background to set a new wallpaper for your groups.
Use These Great Telegram Features to Become a Pro Furthermore, you can view how much Mobile or WiFi data you have consumed so far. Just tapping on “Data Usage”, and it will show you “Bytes sent” and “Bytes received” of individual file types.
