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Dear Students, This is a very special semester for all of us. We hope that you have already received the email sent by the College Office yesterday on returning to campus. For more details of the arrangements please refer to the following email. The English…

Kindly pls find the English version of the the Announcement on Graduating Students Returning to Campus. Thank you.

Dear all students,

This is an unforeseen challenging time, especially for the graduating students. We hope that you have already received the E-mail sent by the College Office on returning to campus. Detailed arrangements have been made as below. We expect your full cooperation.

1.      If graduating students intend to return to campus, they can report to the college from 18 to 22 May 2020. Please log in the MIS and fill in the details pending for MIS notice in future. All students should show the Yuekang Code (粤康码). For reminder, please apply for it through Yue Sheng Shi (粤省事) at Wechat (微信小程序) beforehand. Only those who have Green Health Code (绿码) and regular body temperature are allowed to return to the college.
2.      According to the government regulations, students should be under closed management and not allowed to leave the campus.  If any special requirements, students should get our approval first. Those who leave without prior permission should not be allowed to enter the campus again. Other graduating students who have not yet applied for return, other classes’ students, and all students’ parents are prohibited to enter the college.
3.      These students who are now at Hu Bei, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan will be individually informed about related arrangements. According to the regulations of the government, those who are staying at the foreign countries are not suggested to return to the campus in this period.
4.      Internal management measures of the campus:
a.       Body temperature would be checked when entering the dormitory every time. In case of special body conditions, students would be transferred to the medical department for diagnosis according to the related government regulations for management.
b.      Students should abide by the rules and regulations of the dormitory during their residence.
c.       The sanitary measures of the college canteen have been enforced, including body temperature check, hand washing, crowd control, partitioning of tables, additional take-away spots. Outside food delivery is strictly prohibited.
d.      According to the management regulations, all meetings are not allowed.
e.       School study is depended on the concerned teachers’ arrangements.
5.      If graduating students decide not to return to the college, they could apply for packing and express delivery(by self-payment) of their belongings, through joint efforts by SAO, ECDO and Property Management Company, upon their room-mates’ mutual consent. Please log in the MIS for application (pending further notice).
6.      For the non-graduating students, if they need the assistance for express delivery (by self-payment) of their belongings inside their dormitory, upon their room-mates’ mutual consent. Please log in MIS for application (pending further notice).
7.      Those who have ordered the graduation robes, the college would provide free delivery service (payment by the college). If needed, please log in the MIS (pending further notice). For those who would return to the college for the collection of the graduation robes, they would be informed later. For query, please contact ECDO Ms. Li at 0756-3620331.
8.      Year 4 students should check out when leaving the college.
If any query about the above arrangements, please E-mail us at [email protected].
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

Student Affairs Office
Hotline: (86)756-3620211/3620227
Office: Rm101,T4
Address:2000,Jintong Road,Tangjiawan,Zhuhai,Guangdong,P.R.China
震惊,@北师港浸大 似乎没有收到信
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Dear Graduating Class of 2020,

It is our honour to invite you to join the 12thGraduation Ceremony on 23 June 2020 (Tuesday) at Zhonghe Square, UIC campus. Please read the following conditions thoroughly if you intend to join this memorable celebration event:
i) Online Registration:
   Please register via MIS from 5 June 2020 (2:30 pm) to 10 June 2020 (5:00 pm). Late registration will NOT be entertained.
ii) According to the government’s instructions on epidemic prevention and in order to ensure the safety of the participants, the arrangements are hereby made as below:

The Graduation Ceremony will be held in the open area of Zhonghe Square, UIC campus;

Parents will not be allowed to enter the campus;

The Ceremony procedures will be simplified by cancelling the conferment of graduation certificates on stage due to the unsettled weather;

Only those students who meet the conditions below can attend the Graduation Ceremony:

       4.1 On-campus students
            You should stay on campus until 23 June so as to attend the Ceremony without any supporting documents once you have registered successfully online. You are allowed to stay on campus until 1 July.
       4.2 Off-campus students
            You will be permitted to attend the Ceremony only if you fulfil or agree to all the conditions enumerated below:
          4.2.1 You have never been to the areas of high or medium risk of Covid-19 during 9-22 June 2020: Fengman District, Chuanying District, and Changyi District of Jilin City, as well as Sujiatun District, Shenyang City;
          4.2.2 You are required to provide a health certificate verifying a negative local nucleic acid test within 7 days (suggest you to do the test on or after 17 June). You may present it before you enter UIC on the event day, or you may submit a scanned copy of the certificate to [email protected] by 18 June (11 pm);
          4.2.3 A green “粤康码” will also be provided and your body temperature will be checked before you enter UIC on the event day;
          4.2.4 No accommodation will be arranged for you in order to ensure students’ safety whilst on campus, and you must leave UIC after the end of the event.
iii) Graduation documents will be distributed on the event day. Academic Registry will mail the documents to those who are not able to attend the Ceremony. The detailed arrangements will be sent to you in due course.
iv) The Graduation Ceremony 2020 may be cancelled if the following situations occur:

Less than 200 students are registered for this event;

When Typhoon Signal Orange, Typhoon Signal Red or Rainstorm Signal Red is hoisted. Please refer to the official announcement which will be made by the College in due course.

Best Regards,

Task Force of UIC Graduation Ceremony 2020



2.1 对于仍在校毕业生:此类毕业生只需一直留校至6月23日,则无需再经过任何检测或提供证明,只要报名成功即可参加毕业典礼;典礼结束后,仍可继续留校至7月1日;
2.2 对于不在校毕业生,若未满足或未同意以下任何一点, 6月23日当天将不被允许进入校园内参加毕业典礼:
2.2.1 典礼开始前14天(即6月9日至22日)不能到达以下中高风险地区:吉林省吉林市丰满区、吉林省吉林市船营区、昌邑区和辽宁省沈阳市苏家屯区(中高风险地区以政府公布为准);
2.2.2 入校学生须持7天内有效核酸检测阴性证明(建议你于6月17日或之后到所在地医院进行核酸检测),可按以下要求之一提供:于2020年6月18日晚上11点前扫描你的有效证明至 [email protected], 或于6月23日到校当天提供纸质证明;
2.2.3 请于6月23日到校当天提供绿色粤康码,并接受体温检测且在37.3度以下,方能进入校园;
2.2.4 为保证校园安全,学校不再为离校毕业生提供住宿,参加毕业典礼的学生需在典礼当天返校,并于典礼结束的当天离校。 


2.1 红色暴雨预警;
2.2 橙色或以上台风预警。

Dear Graduating Class of 2020,

As you probably have received the College’s announcement on 5 June that the UIC Graduation Ceremony 2020 will be held on 23 June 2020 (Tuesday) at the Zhonghe Square, UIC campus. After the aforesaid announcement, we received feedback from students on the programme of the Ceremony. In particular, some of you are anxious about having a chance of conferment of graduation certificates on stage. Despite of the risk of bad weather we may encounter during the ceremony, the College has decided to consider the students’ suggestion to incorporate the certificate presentation on stage in the revised programme. We sincerely wish this change will bring to you a very memorable Graduation Ceremony in this difficult pandemic period.

For the purpose of ensuring attendance, a deposit of RMB 1000 will be deducted from the registered student’s bank account (your designated bank account for tuition fee payment at UIC) around 16 June 2020. Students who will attend the Ceremony will be refunded the full deposit within one week after the Ceremony. No refund will be made to students who are absent from the Ceremony.

Please register at MIS before 5 pm, 12 June 2020 if you are interested to join the Graduation Ceremony at UIC campus. Looking forward to seeing you on 23 June 2020.

Best Regards,
Task Force of UIC Graduation Ceremony 2020


亲爱的 2020 届毕业生,

相信同学们已经收到关于北师港浸大将于 2020 年 6 月 23 日(星期二)在本校中和广场举行第 12 届毕业典礼的通知。最初,学校考虑到 6 月炎热及不稳定的天气,决定取消典礼中学生上台领取毕业证书这一环节。之后,学校收到部分同学的意见反馈,明白这一环节在毕业生心中的特殊意义,综合考虑各项因素,学校决定保留在典礼上颁授毕业证书这一重要环节。

为了更精确地统计学生参与人数,学校将于 6 月 16 日向每位成功报名参加毕业礼的**学生暂收取 1000 元(将从你关联学校账户中扣取),该款项会在毕业典礼完结后一星期内全额返还至所扣取账户。对于无故缺席的毕业生,此笔费用将不予退还。 **

学校将竭尽全力为毕业生举办一个圆满及难忘的毕业典礼,若你决定参与,请于 2020年6月12日下午5点前登陆 MIS 申请。2020年6月23日,期待与你相见!

2020 届毕业典礼工作组
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