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Do you enjoy using both light and dark modes? Telegram has an auto-night feature so the app doesn't blind you at night. Turn Off Notifications for Individual Contacts Change Phone Numbers 1b

Enable Auto-Night Mode Self-destruct timers There are many cloud services to select from; each has its own features and costs. Telegram has embraced this functionality in a unique way. With these features, you're ready to become an advanced Telegram user and take full advantage of the app. There are lots of little touches around the app that make it a joy to use, so you may find even more.

Public figures and organizations can verify their group, channel or bot โ€“ receiving a verification badge Verification Check to show users that messages are coming from a confirmed source. In addition to profiles, search results and the chat list, these badges now appear at the top of the chat. This makes it even easier to identify verified sources of information. Next up, tap Sound and then choose your custom notification sound located under the Telegram Tones section. Make sure to tap Done at the top right to finish. Interestingly, Telegram names your custom notification sound as Cloud Tone and also allows you to upload any audio as a notification sound for a chat. Telegram Sending Options Here you will get the option to share either your current location or your live location. Select the live location option and then select the time limit for which your location will be shared with the person. Now, all you need to do is hit that share button to share your live location.

Hopefully, I have listed enough Telegram features to help you understand why the Telegram app is so popular and secure. Live location & proximity alerts

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