You can quickly find Premium Stickers from all your packs in a dedicated section of your sticker panel, below 'Recently Used'. Any user can upload large files and media, each up to 2 GB in size and enjoy unlimited storage in the Telegram Cloud for free. With Telegram Premium, subscribers will now be able to send 4 GB files – enough space for 4 hours of 1080p video, or 18 days of high-quality audio. Telegram offers two types of APIs for developers. Both are free of charge.
Telegram became one of the top-5 downloaded apps worldwide in 2022 and now has over 700 million monthly active users. This growth is solely from personal recommendations – Telegram has never paid to advertise its apps. Prices start as low as Rs 2.5 per day The Bot API is a free and open platform, available to everyone. If you're looking to build your own bot, check out this page. Terminate old sessions
App Customizing Options and Themes Telegram offers you to create and use your own custom theme with whatever colors you want. Also, it offers many ways to customize it the way you want it to. There is nothing to pay for anything. Everything is FREE and you can create your own personalized theme with your favorite colors. One of the worst parts about messaging apps is that anyone can add you to random groups without your active permission. However, the good part is that Telegram gives you an option to disable it altogether. You can change the desired settings from Settings menu -> Privacy and Security -> Groups -> My Contacts and then select all the Telegram users to “Never Allow”. I can’t tell you how much I love this Telegram trick. Mute Contacts and Groups
This update is being rolled out gradually. If your app is not offering you to update, please wait – the new version will become available soon. Custom Notification Sounds
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