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be like butterfly , live a short life but full of a wonderful journey with an awesome pair of wings .

🍬 :: @opscrush
if you have never walked a mile in someone else shoes , you don't have the right to comment on their journey .

🍬 :: @opscrush
that moment when you needed money for your study and only god knows what you feel when you want to ask your parents with the guilt mounting inside you because you don't want to trouble them .

🍬 :: @opscrush
loving is hard . even when your just trying to love yourself .

🍬 :: @opscrush
can’t stand a person who’s nice to my face but talks shit about me behind my back. seriously , we’re getting too old for this shit. if you have something to say, say it to my face , otherwise , kindly fuck off .

🍬 :: @opscrush
sometimes i don't know if i want to pick for me or for the side others want me to be .

🍬 :: @opscrush
Forwarded from Deleted Account
crush luahkan perasaan yang dia belum move on dengan ex dia is another level of pain .

🍬 :: @opscrush
ibu pernah berpesan , carilah orang yang ikhlas menerima segala kekuranganmu , seperti ayah memiliki ibu .

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yang kamu kejar belum tentu akan menjadi milikmu , tapi yang kamu doakan insyallah ia akan datang sendiri padamu .

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aku cuma ingin beritahu kau bahawa selama kita bersama ini , aku bahagia sangat-sangat . terima kasih kerana telah mengajar aku erti bahagia dan derita .

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berjuta memori yang telah kita ciptakan selama ini . tetapi pada akhirnya , kita tetap juga harus berpisah .

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i’m just getting heartless day by day .

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crush ni apa ? crush ni orang yang akan buat kita nampak bodoh sebab beria sorang sorang :)

🍬 :: @opscrush
punyalah lama aku try nk move on time pkp . sekali nampak dari jauh je pun , dah auto hancur move on aku ")

🍬 :: @opscrush
having a crush on your partner is the best feeling ever .

🍬 :: @opscrush
bukan taknak confess , aku takut yang dikejar tak dapat , yang kita ade hilang .

🍬 :: @opscrush
dear fav person , you are the reason why i smile everyday .

🍬 :: @opscrush
pergilah sayang kemana engkau mahu pergi , tidak lagi mampu ku halang .

:: @opscrush
i always tell myself that everyone didn’t deserve to have me in their life because one day they will give up on me too .

:: @opscrush
thank you mask for hiding my ugly and sad face .

:: @opscrush
2024/10/01 18:42:40
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