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0 “Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.” The Matrix was way ahead of its time! 🤯 

یادگیری انگلیسی با فیلم و سریال

▬▬▬کلیک کن▬▬▬▬
The Good Place
سریال جای خوب سرعت یادگیری انگلیسی را افزایش می‌دهد کلیک کنید و ببینید
👉Sure! Here are some relationship-related vocabulary words:

1. Relationship - The connection or bond between two or more people.
2. Partner - A person with whom you are romantically involved or have a committed relationship.
3. Spouse - A married partner.
4. Boyfriend - A male partner in a romantic or dating relationship.
5. Girlfriend - A female partner in a romantic or dating relationship.
6. Fiancé/Fiancée - A person engaged to be married to another person.
7. Husband - A married male partner.
8. Wife - A married female partner.
9. Ex - Short for "ex-partner," referring to a former romantic or dating partner.
10. Breakup - The end of a romantic or dating relationship.
11. Divorce - The legal termination of a marriage.
12. Marriage - A legally or formally recognized union between two people, typically involving a ceremony and legal obligations.
13. Commitment - A sense of dedication or loyalty to a person or relationship.
14. Trust - The belief or reliance on the honesty, integrity, and reliability of another person.
15. Love - A deep affection, attachment, or strong feeling of affection towards another person.
16. Affection - A gentle or tender feeling of liking or fondness towards someone.
17. Compatibility - The degree to which two people are capable of living or working together harmoniously.
18. Support - Providing assistance, encouragement, or emotional help to a person in need.
19. Communication - The exchange of information, thoughts, or feelings between two or more people.
20. Respect - Showing consideration, admiration, and regard for another person's feelings, rights, and beliefs.

These are just a few words related to relationships. There are many more specific terms and expressions depending on the nature of the relationship (e.g., friendship, family, business, etc.).

مکالمه برای مهاجرت👉
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Miss, Mrs., Ms., Mr.

1. Miss - It is used to address an unmarried woman or a girl who is not married. For example:
- Miss Johnson is the new teacher at school.
- Can I speak to Miss Smith, please?

2. Mrs. - It is used to address a married woman. It is derived from the word "missus." For example:
- Mrs. Davis is our neighbor.
- Mrs. Thompson is the CEO of the company.

3. Ms. - It is used to address a woman regardless of her marital status. It is a more neutral and often preferred title when you don't know the person's marital status.

- Ms. Jones will be joining us for the meeting.
- Can you please pass this message to Ms. Patel?

4. Mr. - It is used to address a man, regardless of his marital status. It is the equivalent of "Miss" or "Mrs." for women.
- Mr. Johnson is the manager of the department.
- I need to schedule a meeting with Mr. Smith.

It's important to address people by the appropriate titles to show respect and courtesy, especially in formal contexts.
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You wont believe number 1
با این ویدیو ها مهارت شنیداری ، رایتینگ و ريدينگ خود را همزمان تقویت کنید فقط لازمه هر ویدیو رو دهها بار ببینید و متن رو دنبال کنید.

مدرسه مکالمه مبتکر روش‌های آموزش زبان انگلیسی بدون کلاس و هزینه‌های سرسام آور .
بجای اینکه گول تبلیغات کلاس های زبان انگلیسی را بخورید فقط کافیه که
👈بخودتون تکیه کنید.
👈یک مشاور دلسوز داشته باشید
👈 وقتی دارید از یک مجموعه خودآموز استفاده می‌کنید فکر کنید کلی هزینه کلاس داده اید و قدر لحظات را بدانید.
👈کافیست یک گوشی هوشمند، یک هندزفری و یک منبع بسیار ارزان خودآموز و یک مشاور دلسوز داشته باشید.

با هزینه ای در حد یکساعت کلاس یکسال بیاموزید
Channel name was changed to «👈مدرسه مکالمه مبتکر روش‌های آموزش زبان انگلیسی بدون کلاس»
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با این ویدیو ها مهارت شنیداری ، رایتینگ و ريدينگ خود را همزمان تقویت کنید فقط لازمه هر ویدیو رو دهها بار ببینید و متن رو دنبال  کنید.

مدرسه مکالمه مبتکر روش‌های آموزش زبان انگلیسی بدون کلاس و هزینه‌های سرسام آور  .
بجای اینکه گول تبلیغات کلاس های زبان انگلیسی را بخورید فقط کافیه که
👈بخودتون تکیه کنید.
👈یک مشاور دلسوز داشته باشید
👈 وقتی دارید از یک مجموعه خودآموز استفاده می‌کنید فکر کنید کلی هزینه کلاس داده اید و قدر لحظات را بدانید.
👈کافیست یک گوشی هوشمند، یک هندزفری و یک منبع بسیار ارزان خودآموز و یک مشاور دلسوز داشته باشید.

با هزینه ای در حد یکساعت کلاس یکسال بیاموزید
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اگر شما درخواست "give me some sugar" را می‌کنید، برداشت‌های مختلفی می‌تواند وجود داشته باشد، ولی در غالب اصطلاحات عامیانه و غیررسمی، معمولاً به معنای "بیا و بوسه‌ای بده" یا "نزدیکتر بیا و محبت کن" استفاده می‌شود. این بیان کننده علاقه و قربانگاه است و به طور کلی در محیط‌های غیررسمی استفاده می‌شود. لطفاً توجه داشته باشید که ممکن است در برخی کشورها و فرهنگ‌ها، استفاده از این عبارت به عنوان درخواست فیزیکی تلقی شود و در این صورت باید با احتیاط و درستی بیشتری استفاده کنید.
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مدرسه مکالمه مبتکر روش‌های یادگیری انگلیسی بدون کلاس
یادگیری انگلیسی با فیلم، سریال و داستان برای ورود از لینک زیر استفاده نمایید.👇👇👇👇
🔴 How I made friends with reality?

I'm going to first tell you something that in my grandmother would've elicited a five-oy alarm: "Oy-oy-oy-oy-oy." And here it is ... are you ready? OK. I have stage IV lung cancer. Oh, I know, "poor me." I don't feel that way. I'm so OK with it. And granted, I have certain advantages -- not everybody can take so cavalier an attitude. I don't have young children. I have a grown daughter who's brilliant and happy and wonderful. I don't have huge financial stress. My cancer isn't that aggressive. It's kind of like the Democratic leadership --
not convinced it can win. It's basically just sitting there, waiting for Goldman Sachs to give it some money.
Oh, and the best thing of all -- I have a major accomplishment under my belt. Yes. I didn't even know it until someone tweeted me a year ago. And here's what they said: "You are responsible for the pussification of the American male."
Not that I can take all the credit, but ...
But what if you don't have my advantages? The only advice I can give you is to do what I did: make friends with reality. You couldn't have a worse relationship with reality than I did. From the get-go, I wasn't even attracted to reality. If they'd had Tinder when I met reality, I would have swiped left and the whole thing would have been over.
And reality and I -- we don't share the same values, the same goals --
To be honest, I don't have goals; I have fantasies. They're exactly like goals but without the hard work.
I'm not a big fan of hard work, but you know reality -- it's either push, push, push, push, push through its agent, the executive brain function -- one of the "yays" of dying: my executive brain function won't have me to kick around anymore.
But something happened that made me realize that reality may not be reality. So what happened was, because I basically wanted reality to leave me alone -- but I wanted to be left alone in a nice house with a Wolf range and Sub-Zero refrigerator ... private yoga lessons -- I ended up with a development deal at Disney. And one day I found myself in my new office on Two Dopey Drive --
And I'm staring at the present they sent me to celebrate my arrival -- not the Lalique vase or the grand piano I've heard of other people getting, but a three-foot-tall, stuffed Mickey Mouse
with a catalog, in case I wanted to order some more stuff that didn't jibe with my aesthetic.
And when I looked up in the catalog to see how much this three-foot-high mouse cost, here's how it was described ... "Life-sized."
And that's when I knew. Reality wasn't "reality." Reality was an imposter.
So I dived into quantum physics and chaos theory to try to find actual reality, and I've just finished a movie -- yes, finally finished -- about all that, so I won't go into it here, and anyway, it wasn't until after we shot the movie, when I broke my leg and then it didn't heal, so then they had to do another surgery a year later, and then that took a year -- two years in a wheelchair, and that's when I came into contact with actual reality: limits.
Those very limits I'd spent my whole life denying and pushing past and ignoring were real, and I had to deal with them, and they took imagination, creativity and my entire skill set. It turned out I was great at actual reality. I didn't just come to terms with it, I fell in love. And I should've known, given my equally shaky relationship with the zeitgeist ... I'll just say, if anyone is in the market for a Betamax
I should have known that the moment I fell in love with reality, the rest of the country would decide to go in the opposite direction.
But I'm not here to talk about Trump or the alt-right or climate-change deniers or even the makers of this thing, which I would have called a box, except that right here, it says, "This is not a box."
They're gaslighting me.

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2024/10/07 22:20:37
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