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- با توجه به احتمال ذوب شیاف استامینوفن و دیکلوفناك در اثر تغییرات دمای محیط، این داروها در لیست فوق قرار داده شده اند.

- تامین دارو آلتپلاز در بیمارستانهای دارای امکانات اجرای پروتکل درمان سکته مغزی و پروتکل درمانی ترومبولیتیک براساس شناسنامه ابلاغی، الزامی است.

- با توجه به ضرورت استفاده از داروهای ترومبولیتیک نوترکیب مانند آلتپلاز و رتپلاز و درصورت تامین‌دارو Tenecteplase ،ضروری است این داروها دردسترس بخش اورژانس قرار گیرند.

- نگهداری آمپول فاموتیدین، براساس برگه راهنمای شرکت سازنده دارو (بروشور) میباشد.
🟡 فهرست داروهای ترجیحی

🌸 دمای نگهدای داروی آلبومین 25-15 درجه سانتیگراد میباشد.

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🌸 هر سوسپانسیون باید معادل 30 گرم زغال فعال شده، باشد. ترجیحا سوربیتول به میزان 70 گرم در کنار زغال فعال وجود داشته باشد.
در بیمارستانهای جنرال ضروری است پس از تهیه لیست مسمومیت های شایع، تعداد و آنتی دوت های مورد نیاز براساس موارد مراجعه کننده، در کمیته ارتقا خدمات اورژانس بیمارستان، تعیین و پس از تایید کمیته دارو و درمان مرکز درمانی مربوطه و همچنین اطلاع کتبی به معاونت درمان و غذا و داروی دانشگاه متبوع، در دسترس بخش اورژانس قرار گیرد.

🌸 وجود آمپول ضد زهر مار و عقرب در بیمارستان های منتخب وزارت بهداشت، الزامی است.

🌸 دمای نگهداری آمپول اکترئوتاید 8-2 درجه سانتی گراد میباشد.
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📽کلیپ آموزشی مقایسه دستگاه الکتروشوک #مونوفازیک و بایفازیک

🔰برای دیدن کلیپ های بیشتر به پیج اینستاگرامی ما سر بزنید 😍😜👇

🔴 بررسی سوالات زبان عمومی - صبح پنجشنبه 🔴
🌸 سوالات لغت پنجشنبه صبح
🪴 گروه آموزشی گام آخر پرستاری

121- Many victims of car crash in Iran
severe injuries, ........ affecting their health years after the accidents.

a) decline
b) sustain
e) enquire
d) devise

122- Healthy diet can never eliminate the risk of stroke but can........... it by reducing its intensity.
a) augment
b) attenuate
c) accelerate
d) sophisticate

123- Further studies are clearly needed if we are to ........... the hidden effects of ethanol on the gastric cells.
a) elucidate
b) stimulate
e) exaggerate
d) invigorate

124- Conventional wisdom on cancer management is to use... chemotherapy to destroy the tumor as rapidly as possible, despite its complications.
a) aggressive
b) outdated
c) detrimental
d) detached

125- As infants and young children are more ........... microbial harms, they need more care and protection.
a) affiliated to
b) deprived of
c) vulnerable to
d) terrified of

126- Some allergens........... our breathing and can lead to respiratory insufficiency.
a) hinder
b) induce
c) reinforce
d) enhance

127- Anxiety that has no discernible cause is a sign of an emotional difficulty, which can indicate mental ............
a) supremacy
b) tranquility
c) disturbance
d) serenity

128- Practitioners need to make a good........... with their clients to make a better diagnosis.
a) struggle
b) conflict
c) rapport
d) revenge

129- Regarding the elderly care, ....... nursing is the best source for clinical information and management advice.
a) geriatric
b) pediatric
c) surgical
d) obstetric

💡 کلید احتمالی سوالات این آزمون ، با بولد شدن گزینه مشخص شده است.
🌸 سوالات لغت پنجشنبه صبح
🪴 گروه آموزشی گام آخر پرستاری

130- The use of pain relievers is confirmed to........ the symptoms of migraine headache.
a) substantiate
b) alleviate
c) exacerbate
d) intimidate

131- My roommates all believe that I have to........... my bad spending habits.
a) curb
b) cast
c) propagate
d) disseminate

132- According to national reports, thank to e-health system, the government's annual ........ on health has lessened, helping to save money for better care.
a) profit
b) earning
c) revenue
d) expenditure

133- About 60% of people who survive a stroke are afflicted with visual........... to some degree and need visual rehabilitation therapy.
a) perception
b) inspiration
c) impairment
d) enhancement

134- During surgery, the patient was given spinal anesthesia and positioned on an operating room table, with her right hip........... on a small pillow.
a) elevated
b) stained
c) twisted
d) sprained

135- The report on the etiology of the virus was quite...... Anybody could understand it easily..
a) intelligible
b) complicated
c) intolerable
d) convoluted

136- The malaria vaccine campaigns, .......... for the first time in 2019, are increasing equity in access to malaria prevention for the most vulnerable people.
a) launched
b) terminated
c) relinquished
d) eradicated

137- All the children were ........... hepatitis after taking the new vaccine.
a) inspected by
b) inflated by
c) disseminated by
d) inoculated against

138- The insurance companies have limited their health services coverage, bearing significant ........... for the health system budget.
a) accomplishments
b) implications
c) privileges
d) revenues

139- In severe accidents, the broken rib might the patient's lung; therefore, surgery is usually recommended since the lung tissue would not be able to repair itself.
a) alleviate
b) regenerate
c) consolidate
d) puncture

140- The patient's father was shocked to realize that his son should... a major surgery.
a) undergo
b) understand
c) underpin
d) underscore

💡 کلید احتمالی سوالات این آزمون ، با بولد شدن گزینه مشخص شده است.
🌸 سوالات پسیج پنجشنبه صبح
🪴 گروه آموزشی گام آخر پرستاری

Passage 1

Stress and depression share many symptoms and etiologies, along with anxiety. When stress becomes chronic, it can result in a wide variety of symptoms that overlap with anxiety and depression, from sleep and appetite disturbances to triggering or exacerbating high blood pressure, pain, or autoimmune disorders. While the signs can feel similar and sometimes overlap, there are specific differences between being stressed and being depressed. Stress typically starts as feeling overwhelmed or worried, triggered by a specific trigger or stressor, whether it is a real, immediate threat or a perceived threat. Stress is a psychophysiological state generated by the perception of demands (deadlines, bills, training load) being greater than the resources available (mental energy, bank account balance, fitness level, etc.) to accomplish a given task. Stress manifests differently for everyone. Sometimes it is more physical (e.g., elevated heart rate, muscle tension) and sometimes it is more cognitive (eg, racing thoughts, difficulty seeing the big picture).
Depression, however, includes feelings of hopelessness, persistent sadness, irritability, loss of motivation, joy, or interest in previously pleasurable activities, sleep troubles, slowed thinking or speaking, or unexplained physical pains. The severity of these symptoms can range from mild to severe.

141- Which of the following is NOT among the symptoms of chronic stress?
a) auto-immune disorders and muscle tension
b) hopelessness and loss of motivation
c) elevated blood pressure and pain
d) appetite and sleep problems

142- Stress typically starts with a ............
a) physical symptom
b) feeling of depression
c) particular stimulant
d) sudden physical pain

143- The writer has mentioned "deadlines, bills, training load" to remark that stress
a) can be generated when needs are greater than the available resources
b) is always accompanied by some feelings of hopelessness and sadness c) rarely has cognitive effects such as difficulty seeing the big picture
d) can have manifestations different from one person to another

144- Which sentence is NOT true about stress and depression?
a) They sometimes have overlapping signs.
b) Sleep and appetite disturbances may appear in both.
c) They generally manifest similarly across individuals.
d) Both conditions may come with pain and auto-immune disorders.

145. According to the passage, symptoms of depression.............
a) may not influence interest in activities pleasurable before
b) form a wide range, varying from mild to a severe
c) are commonly observed in the majority of cases
d) do not affect thinking and verbal abilities

💡 کلید احتمالی سوالات این آزمون ، با بولد شدن گزینه مشخص شده است.

🌸 سوالات پسیج پنجشنبه صبح
🪴 گروه آموزشی گام آخر پرستاری

Passage 2

Quality of life has become a recognized health care goal. In 1990, the National Cancer Institute recommended that it should be an outcome variable in all the clinical trials it sponsors and was identified by the Oncology Nursing Society as its highest research priority in 1991. Quality of life is perceived according to individual conception and is best evaluated by the patient rather than by others. It is the condition of one's being, reflected in the ability to perform everyday activities, as assessed according to physical, psychological, spiritual, and social dimensions.
Among oncology patients, the quality of life is reflected in satisfaction with levels of functioning and control of the symptoms of both disease and treatment. Oncology nurses understand the value of the quality as well as the quantity of life; the former transcends physical health, clinical symptoms, and functional ability. Betty Ferrell has devised a model that incorporates the four dimensions of the quality of life: physical, psychological, social, and spiritual. In spite of her model, in practice, much attention has been given to the body in terms of symptom management, functional ability, and the use of technology in treatment. But spiritual and social well-being are equally important and deserving of attention. Consideration of the psychological aspect of the quality of life brings us to the subject of humor and how it can enhance well- being

146- Cancer patients' well-being can be.......
a) delayed by the identification of spritual symptoms
b) deteriorated by individual reflection on functional ability
c) enhanced by considering physcial as well as spiritual aspects
d) promoted by the restriction of humor and use of technlogy

147- The underlined term "former" refers to .....
a) quality of life
b) quantity of life
c) oncology nurses
d) physical health

148- As stated in the passage, a patient's quality of life.....
a) can be defined based on bodily, mental, spiritual, and social aspects
b) can be assessed by physicians' dissatisfaction with oncology nurses c) is conceived best by others rather than the individual patient
d) determines the conditions of disease and treatment

149- Ferrel's Model............
a) emphasizes the use of technology to treat diseases
b) focuses on one's physical as well as mental dimensions
c) has attracted attention as it prioritizes quality rather than quantity of life
d) indicates that physical symptoms are more important than psychological health

150- According to the passage .......
a) in cancer both the disease and its treatment symptoms need to be control
b) oncology patients are all satisfied with the level of functioning when they are under treatment
c) cancer patients can be satisfied with their quality of life merely when they can function well
d) cancer patients enjoy a good quality of life if oncology nurses understand them

💡 کلید احتمالی سوالات این آزمون ، با بولد شدن گزینه مشخص شده است.
🌸 سوالات پسیج پنجشنبه صبح
🪴 گروه آموزشی گام آخر پرستاری

Passage 3

Growing evidence suggests an interrelationship between dementia on one side and Non- Communicable Disease (NCDs) and behavioral risk factors, such as physical inactivity, unhealthy diets, tobacco use and the harmful use of alcohol, on the other. NCDs that are associated with the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia include depression, hypertension, diabetes, hearing impairments, mid-life hypercholesterolemia and obesity. Additionally, air pollution and traumatic brain injuries are increasingly being recognized as risk factors. At the same time, access to formal education, employment and other opportunities for cognitive stimulation as well as social connections are considered protective. The Global Dementia Action Plan recognizes the inherent links between dementia and other NCDs by linking its risk reduction target directly to the Global action plan for prevention and control of NCDs. Globally, from 2000 to 2016, the probability of dying from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung diseases has declined from 22% to 18%. Additionally, there has been a roughly 2% decrease in both tobacco smoking and heavy episodic drinking among people 15 years of age or older, and a 1% reduction in the prevalence of high blood pressure. However, these changes fall short of global NCD targets. Physical inactivity in adults remains unchanged and the prevalence of diabetes and obesity in adults has increased.

151- According to the passage, which of the following is true?
a) NCDs are limited to behavioral risk factors
b) Formal education contributes to NCDs development
c) Air pollution can contribute to dementia development
d) Depression is a behavioral risk factor of NCDs

152- Which of the following could increase the risk of cognitive deficits?
a) High cholesterol
b) Smoking tobacco
c) Poor food choices
d) Passive life style

153- The Global dementia action plan
a) initiates a plan to recognize the relationship between dementia and NCDs
b) establishes the goals for linking risk factors to the prevention of NCDs
c) sets its risk reduction target on prevention and control of NCDs
d) considers dementia a condition different from other NCDS

154- As mentioned in the passage, ........... in the early 21st century.
a) dying from chronic lung diseases elevated
b) mortality due to diabetes decreased in adults
c) exercise and physical activity among adults increased
d) drinking alcohol decreased among those at fifteen or more

155- It can be inferred from the passage that the Global action plan......
a) succeeded in educating people to prevent NCDs
b) caused an increase in death resulting from diabetes
c) failed to accomplish its task according to standards set
d) missed the link between dementia and NCDs prevention

💡 کلید احتمالی سوالات این آزمون ، با بولد شدن گزینه مشخص شده است.
2024/09/27 20:19:17
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