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Gartner: What to do to make data centers more sustainable

Аналитики Gartner рассказали о том как сделать ЦОДы более устойчивыми
The Many Types of VPN

А вы знаете сколько типов VPN существует?
Traffic Filtering in the Age of IPv6

Сегодня поговорим об интересной теме по безопасности IPv6

With the growing number of containerized Network Operating Systems grows the demand to easily run them in the user-defined, versatile lab topologies.

Unfortunately, container orchestration tools like docker-compose are not a good fit for that purpose, as they do not allow a user to easily create connections between the containers which define a topology.

Containerlab provides a CLI for orchestrating and managing container-based networking labs. It starts the containers, builds a virtual wiring between them to create lab topologies of users choice and manages labs lifecycle.
Fail-slow hardware is an under-studied failure mode. We present a study of 101 reports of fail-slow hardware incidents, collected from large-scale cluster deployments in 12 institutions. We show that all hardware types such as disk, SSD, CPU, memory and network components can exhibit performance faults. We made several important observations such as faults convert from one form to another, the cascading root causes and impacts can be long, and fail-slow faults can have varying symptoms. From this study, we make suggestions to vendors, operators, and systems designers.
Best DDoS Protection Services for 2023

Сегодня поговорим об лучших сервисах по защите от DDoS-атак на 2023 год
Looking ahead to the network technologies of 2023

Сегодня заглянем на тренды сетевых технологий 2023 года
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Новый выпуск "Internet Protocol Journal" Volume 25, Number 3. Внутри про QUIC и минимизацию разрешения DNS имён.
Will DPUs Change the Network?

Изменят ли DPU (Data Processing Units) сеть?
Relationships between Layer-2 (VLAN) and Layer-3 (Subnet) Segments

Поговорим сегодня об отношениях между сегментами уровня 2 и уровня 3
2024/09/30 10:22:14
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