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Northwestern’s Arbaeen program

Tuesday, September 5,
7:30 to 10:00 pm (Chicago time)

7:10 Prayer
8:00 Dinner (potluck)
8:30 Ziarah
8:40 Speech
9:10 Mourning ritual

Northwestern University,
2122 Sheridan Road, TGS Commons, Room 140, Evanston, Illinois 60201

Zoom link:

Northwestern University Shia Muslim Association (SMA)
Northwestern’s End of Safar program

Commemorating the Demise of the Apostle of Allah, and the Martyrdom of Imam Hassan, and Imam Ridha (peace be upon them).

Friday, September 15,
7:30 to 10:00 pm (Chicago time)

7:20 Prayer
8:00 Dinner (potluck)
8:30 Speech
9:00 Ziarah
9:10 Mourning ritual

Northwestern University,
2122 Sheridan Road, TGS Commons, Room 140, Evanston, Illinois 60201

Zoom link:

Northwestern University Shia Muslim Association (SMA)
«شش ماه سرنوشت‌ساز»
(بررسی تاریخی وقایع اوایل ماه ذی‌‌الحجه سال دهم تا اوایل ماه جمادی الثانی سال یازدهم هجری- از حجه الوداع تا شهادت حضرت فاطمه علیهاالسلام)

استاد محمد‌هادی یوسفی‌غروی

صفر تا ربيع‌ الآخِر ١٤٤٢
شهریور تا آذر ۱۳۹۹
سپتامبر تا دسامبر ۲۰۲۰

ویدیوی درس‌گفتارها در یوتیوب

عنوان درس‌گفتارها و پیوند فایلهای صوتی

درس گفتار اول: «پیش زمینه های حجه الوداع: نزول سوره برائت در سال نهم هجری»
درس‌گفتار دوم: «بررسی تاریخی حجة الوداع»
درس‌گفتار سوم: «خطبه‌های پیامبر اکرم(صلّی الله علیه وآله) در حجة الوداع و بررسی تاریخی واقعه غدیر»
درس‌گفتار چهارم: «بررسی تاریخی وقایع محرم و صفر سال یازدهم هجری »
درس گفتار پنجم: «بررسی تاریخی وقایع روزهای پایانی حیات پیامبر اکرم (صلی الله علیه و آله
درس‌گفتار ششم: «بررسی تاریخی رحلت پیامبر اکرم (صلی الله علیه و آله
درس‌گفتار هفتم: «بررسی تاریخی واقعه سقیفه»
درس‌گفتار هشتم: «بررسی تاریخی وقایع روزهای پس از سقیفه»
درس‌گفتار نهم: «بررسی تاریخی غصب قریه فدک»
درس‌گفتار دهم: «بررسی تاریخی وقایع پس از غصب فدک تا حمله به خانه امیر‌المومنین و حضرت فاطمه (علیهما السلام)"
درس‌گفتار یازدهم: «بررسی تاریخی جزئیات حمله به خانه امیر‌المومنین و حضرت فاطمه (علیهما السلام)"
درس‌گفتار دوازدهم: «بررسی تاریخی روزهای پایانی زندگی حضرت فاطمه (علیها السلام)"
درس‌گفتار سیزدهم: "پاسخگویی به پرسشهای شفاهی حضار"
درس‌گفتار چهاردهم: "پاسخگویی به پرسشهای مکتوب حضار"

انجمن مسلمانان شیعه دانشگاه نورث‌وسترن در شهر شیکاگو، کشور آمریکا
Tonight, i.e., Saturday night, marks the first night of Rabi’ al-Awwal. It is the night when ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) slept in the bed of Prophet Muhammad (Allah sends peace upon him and his household) to assist in his escape from the Meccans.

عشق‌بازى كه هم‌آغوش خطر
خفت در خوابگه پيغمبر
Shia Muslim Association (SMA) will present at the university's Fall 2023 Org Fair, among over 300 other student organizations. 23 organizations belong to the category of Spiritual & Faith.

Come to our booth on this Wednesday, 3-6 PM, at the second floor corridor of Norris Center, 1999 Campus Drive.

Northwestern University Shia Muslim Association (SMA)
SMA’s table at the Northwestern’s Fall 2023 Student Organizations Fair today.
اكنون ۱۱۸۵ سال قمري برابر با ۱۱۵۲ سال شمسي از امامت امام دوازدهم، حضرت حجت بن حسن عسكري عليهما السلام مي گذرد. باشد كه از محبان و شيعيان و منتظران ايشان باشيم.

Now, in the Year 1152 of the Imamate of the Twelfth Imam (peace be upon him), may Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) include us among his devoted lovers, faithful followers, and patient awaiters.
SMA reached out to the university chaplain to request the inclusion of Shi'i Islamic events on the university's Religious Holiday Calendar. As a result, the following events have now been added to the calendar (Eid Ghadeer and Ashura fall in the Summer quarter and are not currently included):

- Fatimiyyah
- Lady Fatimah's Birthday
- Imam Ali's Birthday
- Mab'ath/Isra
- Mid-Sha'baan
- Imam Ali's Martyrdom
- Imam Ja'far Sadiq's Martyrdom

Northwestern is a pioneering school regarding this inclusivity.

Northwestern University Shia Muslim Association (SMA)
Every Thursday evening, SMA holds Du’a Kumayl and a social event dedicated to undergraduate students. See you tonight at 7:45 pm in Parkes Hall Room 132 (Muslim prayer room). Pizza will be served.

Northwestern University Shia Muslim Association (SMA)
Mawlid al-Nabi Celebration

SMA celebrates this Sunday, 5-8 pm, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah sends peace upon him and his household) and Imam Ja’far Sadiq (peace be upon him).

5:00 Celebration
6:00 Dinner
6:50 Prayer
7:20 Speech:

“Allah, Muhammad, and Their Relationship with People,” by Heydar Davoudi

2122 Sheridan Road, TGS Commons, Room 140, Evanston, Illinois 60201


Northwestern University Shia Muslim Student Association (SMA)
Northwestern SMA’s Instagram page is now created. Feel free to follow:
Dr. Faiyaz Jaffer is the Research Scholar for the Islamic Center at New York University (NYU) and an Associate Chaplain for the Center of Global & Spiritual Life at NYU. He holds a doctorate in education from NYU, with a focus on the identity development of Shia youth in the United States. Pursuing the classical course of Islamic education, he studied in the Seminary of Karbala, Iraq, one of the most prominent centers for Islamic learning. As a faith leader and social activist, Shaykh Jaffer has lectured at various universities, seminars, and workshops across the United States, Canada, Europe, East Africa, and the Middle East.

Next Wednesday, October 18, 6:30 pm at Parkes Hall.

Northwestern University Shia Muslim Association (SMA)
A Circle of Healing with Reflections and Recitations by multiple student organizations

Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 18, 8:00 pm

Parkes Hall, Room 122
Northwestern University
2024/09/28 16:21:55
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