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نـكـت مــحـــشـــش😂

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Stop Being Added to Random Groups Live Location Sharing There are a lot of cool things you can do with Telegram, and we have included some of the best ones on this list. You can check out the table of contents below to get an overview of the tricks we have mentioned and jump ahead to whichever Telegram messenger trick you want to learn more about.

Quiz Mode: They have one correct answer and can power anything from public service exams to trivia games. Whether you no longer want to let redundant chats clutter the precious storage of your device or wish to shield your personal chats, the auto-delete timer is for you. When you set an auto-delete timer for a specific Telegram chat, all of its content including images, videos, and documents are automatically deleted after the timer expires. Verification Badges in Chats The aforementioned secret chats are where you can take part in end-to-end encrypted messaging with a contact. But that’s not its only benefit: Secret chats also don’t allow a person forward messages from there or take screenshots. Of course, someone could take a picture of the screen with another device, but it’s still discouraged, and it’s bolstered by another feature: self-destruct timers.

Is Telegram free? Scheduled: Night mode will start when the sun goes down and turn off when the sun rises again. If you like, you can instead set your own times for it to turn off and on. Premium Premium App Icons Secret chats

Since non-secret chats and files are stored in the cloud, you can access them from any device by logging into your account. You will never have to worry about on-device storage or losing important files, but the trade-off is that you lose a bit of privacy and security. Share Live Locations

نـكـت مــحـــشـــش😂 us

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