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1598. Match the following:
Designation Responsibility
1. Balisadhaka -Bali collector
2. Rajjugrahaka -Royal records
3. Dronamapaka -Weight of grain
4. Akshapataladhikrita-Measurement of land
1598. How many pairs given above are correctly matched?
Anonymous Quiz
Only one pair
Only two pairs
Only three pairs
All four pairs
1599. Which city served as the capital of the ancient kingdom of Magadha during the early Vedic period?
1600. The most commonly used coin, during Mauryan period was:
(a) Suvarna
(b) Karshapana
(c) Kakini
(d) Nishka
1601. With reference to Mauryan architecture, consider the following statements:
1. Wood was the principal building material used during the Mauryan Empire.
2. Chinese traveller Fa Hien called Mauryan palaces as God gifted monuments.
1601. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Anonymous Quiz
1 only
2 only
Both 1 and 2
Neither 1 nor 2
1602. Consider the following statements about Ashokan edicts?
1. They are mostly written in Pali in Brahmi script.
2. They mention that medical care provision is an important function of the state.
3. They provide crucial information about the Mauryan Empire.
1602. Which of the above statements is/ are correct?
Anonymous Quiz
3 only
2 and 3 only
1 and 2 only
1, 2 and 3
1603. "He was the first king to have a standing army. He used the policy of marital alliances to expand his kingdom. He was contemporary to the Buddha. He send Jivaka, a Vaidya to the king of Avanti who was suffering from a disease, most probably jaundice." The above quote refers to whom among the following rulers?

1604. Consider the following statements administration of the Mauryan Empire:
1. There was a highly centralized administrative machinery.
2. The gramika was not a paid employee of the government but was elected by the village people.
3. The duty of the yukta was to tour the kingdom every five years and collect details of the administration.
2024/10/05 13:19:48
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