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وزير الدفاع يهنئ خريجي الدفعة السابعة من كلية الطيران والدفاع الجوي

سبتمبر نت:

هنأ وزير الدفاع الفريق الركن محسن الداعري، اليوم، خريجي الدفعة السابعة من كلية الطيران والدفاع الجوي والذي تزامن تخرجهم مع احتفالات بلادنا بأعياد الثورة اليمنية المجيدة ٢٦ سبتمبر، و١٤ أكتوبر، و٣٠ نوفمبر.

وأوصى وزير الدفاع في تدوينة على منصة "إكس" الخريجين أن يكونوا عامل بناء وتدريب في مختلف وحدات القوات المسلحة، والمساهمة الفاعلة في عملية البناء النوعي الذي تشهده المؤسسة العسكرية.
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President al-Alimi: 26th September Revolution made name of Imamate shameful

September Net

The Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad al-Alimi has greeted the Yemeni people on the occasion of the eternal national festivals, marking the 62nd Anniversary of the 26th of September Revolution, the 61st Anniversary of the 14th of October Revolution and the 57th Anniversary of the 30th of November Independence Day.

In an important speech to the Yemeni people on the 62nd Anniversary of the 26th of September Revolution, President al-Alimi stated: "These are the memories of our great national occasions, impactful and ever-present in the hearts of our people and in the details of their lives."

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President al-Alimi: 26th September Revolution made name of Imamate shameful

September Net

The Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad al-Alimi has greeted the Yemeni people on the occasion of the eternal national festivals, marking the 62nd Anniversary of the 26th of September Revolution, the 61st Anniversary of the 14th of October Revolution and the 57th Anniversary of the 30th of November Independence Day.

In an important speech to the Yemeni people on the 62nd Anniversary of the 26th of September Revolution, President al-Alimi stated: "These are the memories of our great national occasions, impactful and ever-present in the hearts of our people and in the details of their lives."

The President highlighted the continuous celebration of these national occasions by the Yemeni people, both men and women, and the unparalleled commemoration of the great revolutionary leaders, emphasizing that their remembrance is now more than ever a call to action, cohesion, and steadfastness—a call to responsibility and duty that includes everyone in the battle to restore state institutions and every inch of our homeland, and to defend our dignity, freedom, and republic with weapons, money, and words.

He made it clear that this is not merely an occasion to celebrate the heroics of our great people and their distinguished men, but rather a pressing project at the forefront of our people's tasks and priorities to complete the liberation of our land from terrorism, enslavement, despotism, ignorance, and the injustice brought by the criminal Houthi imamate.

The Chairman of the Leadership Council considered that the early celebrations of the Yemeni people each year on this immortal day confirm that the flame of change will always burn brightly in their hearts, illuminating the meanings of freedom, human dignity, equal citizenship, and the sovereignty of the people.

"This gathering and great joy for the Yemeni Revolution holidays in various governorates is a popular referendum indicating the greatness of the eternal principles of September and their place in the hearts of the free Yemenis, and their explicit rejection of the new imams and their sinful coup," he said.

The President affirmed that the September Revolution represented a creative culmination of the struggles and sacrifices of generations of Yemenis in the north and south, who gave their lives in the battle for liberation from the rule of imams based on sectarian discrimination, despotism, and the harshest forms of isolation, ignorance, and backwardness.

He pointed out that the Revolution of the 26th of September 1962 abolished forever the wretched and racist concept of imamate, making the name of imamate synonymous with shame.

It was the bridge that carried our country into the civilization of the modern age and provided our people with a path to a dignified life and hope, based on a fair republican system that believes in the sovereignty of the people and equal citizenship among all its children, in contrast to despotism, slavery, and superstition.

"Therefore, Yemen will only be a faithful extension of its great history, a true expression of the magnitude of sacrifices, heroism, dignity, and freedom. The generations of the Yemeni people today will only be a continuation of the heroic fathers: Ali Abdulmughni, Abdullah al-Sallal, Rajeh Labouza, and Qahtan al-Sha'abi," President al-Alimi affirmed.

The Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council addressed the Yemeni people in areas forcibly controlled by the Houthi terrorist militias, saying, "O our steadfast and patient people in the regions of Houthi tyranny and aggression, the Houthis chose chaos when stability prevailed, committed the crime of coup when Yemenis agreed on democracy and the sovereignty of the people, imposed war when everyone turned to peace, looted and destroyed institutions, monopolized the country’s resources, burdened citizens with taxes, invaded cities and villages with terrorism and violence, and violated public freedoms."
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They kidnapped innocent women, children, and the elderly, terrorizing the rest of the people, tampered with the independence and sanctity of the judiciary, emptied laws of their value, replaced them with tyranny and oppression, distorted education from its national and scientific context, and turned it into a backward sectarian and tribal platform.

He expressed his deep belief that it would be an illusion to think that anyone could undermine the conviction of the Yemeni people that there is no choice but victory over the Iranian agenda, affirming, "Our freedom and dignity depend on the outcome of this decisive battle, in which there is no option but victory."

The President also praised the members of the armed forces, security forces, and all military formations, as well as the heroes of the popular resistance in various fronts and fields, saying, "You have been the rock upon which the illusions of the racist Houthi militia have shattered, the fortress that preserved Yemen's cohesion and protected its Arabism against the Iranian tide and its criminal affiliates. You have been the hope and refuge yesterday, and you are today and tomorrow's hope and guarantee."

President al-Alimi stressed that there is no secure and prosperous future for Yemen without a close relationship and complete harmony with the brotherly Arab countries, foremost among them the countries of the Coalition to Support Legitimacy, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

He considered that this destiny is not only related to this phase but also to historical and geographical realities that transcend individual illusions, ambitions, and crises.

"There is no option for a secure and promising future without a deep understanding of the unique nature governing Yemen's relationship with its siblings, and without recognizing that building fruitful relationships and solidifying their foundations and ties is one of the most important tasks of leaders and politicians, far from their personal interests, the scope of their roles, or the positions from which they exercise their national responsibilities," he explained.

The President considered that options for peace, like those for battle, "are only possible through seriousness, readiness, trust in our loyal allies, and making every effort to invest in and succeed in them, without falling into the traps of illusions that are skilled at manufacturing disappointments, victims, and conspiracy theories."

He also stated that building and reforming institutions, combating corruption and chaos, and curbing lawlessness is the only way to improve economic, security, and service conditions, and to establish a model in the liberated provinces.

The Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad al-Alimi highlighted the collective efforts of the government and local authorities to fulfill their inevitable commitments and urged them to dedicate all efforts to finding urgent solutions to the economic crisis and alleviating the living burdens on citizens with support from brothers and friends.

He directed the government to complete its institutional structure, activate the system of laws and regulations, and develop clear plans to enhance revenues, improve the social function of state institutions, foster a suitable environment for political work, and protect public rights and freedoms.

On a national level, President al-Alimi affirmed that Palestine holds a sacred place in the hearts of all Yemenis, a status that Israel cannot seize through occupation, massacres, and wars of extermination and displacement, nor can Iran and its militias take it through sectarianism and deceitful exploitation and opportunism that reveal themselves daily.

The President reiterated Yemen's condemnation of the ongoing Israeli genocide against the people of occupied Palestine and the crimes of occupation in the West Bank.
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He reaffirmed that unifying the Arab and Islamic ranks in the face of the arrogance and crimes of the Zionist entity is the best way to express solidarity and support for the Palestinian cause.

He called on the international community to assume its responsibilities to force the Israeli occupation to stop its ongoing crimes, provide urgent and adequate relief to the besieged Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, and support their aspirations to establish their independent, fully sovereign state.
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Prime Minister arrives Marib for inspecting people's conditions

September Net

Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak arrived in Marib on Wednesday as part of his field visits to the liberated governorates to assess their conditions and to understand the concerns and suffering of citizens.

The Prime Minister will also follow up efforts made by local authority leaders to improve service, living, and developmental aspects, as well as updates on military and security situations.

He will participate with the people of Marib in the celebrations of the Yemeni revolutions; September, October, and November. This celebration comes amidst significant popular momentum to commemorate the 62nd Anniversary of the 26th of September Revolution, during which Yemenis have recognized the achievements made over the past ten challenging years since the Houthi coup, and the popular awareness rejecting the sectarian project on the path to restoring the spirit of September Revolution and its national gains and republican system.

Additionally, Dr. Ahmed Awadh bin Mubarak will hold meetings during his visit with local and executive authority leaders, military and security leaders, as well as political, social, and tribal figures in the governorate.

He will also inaugurate and launch several service and developmental projects in Marib.

The Prime Minister praised the exemplary model presented by the local authority in Marib in reinforcing the state's authority and its institutions, facilitating the affairs of citizens, and implementing a cohesive security plan to stabilize the situation and thwart the plans and attempts of the Houthi terrorist militias to undermine security and stability.

He emphasized that this approach is what the government seeks to establish in all liberated provinces, including social coexistence models. He pointed out to Marib's hosting of all displaced Yemenis fleeing from their areas due to the brutality of the terrorist militia.

The Prime Minister is accompanied by a number of ministers and officials led by Minister of Finance Salem bin Buraik, Interior Major General Ibrahim Hidan, Water and Environment Tawfeeq al-Sharjabi, Electricity and Energy Mane'a bin Yamin and Information Muamar al-Eryani.
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العرادة وبن مبارك يفتتحان بنك السلام كابيتال للتمويل الأصغر الإسلامي بمدينة مأرب

سبتمبر نت:

افتتح عضو مجلس القيادة الرئاسي اللواء سلطان العرادة ومعه دولة رئيس الوزراء الدكتور أحمد عوض بن مبارك في محافظة مأرب، مبنى المركز الرئيسي لبنك السلام كابيتال للتمويل الأصغر الإسلامي ثاني بنك أهلي يفتتح مركزه الرئيسي بالمحافظة.

وطاف العرادة وبن مبارك ومعهما وزير المالية سالم بن بريك ووكيلا محافظ البنك المركزي منصور راجح وحسين الدهمشي في المبنى واطلعا على أقسامه وبنتيه التحتية وتقنياته الحديثة وخدماته المصرفية المرتقبة لعملائه.

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رئيس مجلس القيادة يستقبل المبعوث الخاص للأمم المتحدة

سبتمبر نت:

استقبل فخامة الرئيس الدكتور رشاد محمد العليمي، رئيس مجلس القيادة الرئاسي اليوم الاربعاء، المبعوث الخاص للأمم المتحدة هانس غروندبرغ، وذلك بحضور وزير الخارجية وشؤون المغتربين الدكتور شائع الزنداني.

واستمع رئيس مجلس القيادة الرئاسي، من المبعوث الاممي، الى احاطة حول نتائج اتصالاته الاخيرة من اجل خفض التصعيد والدفع باتجاه احياء العملية السياسية التي انقلبت عليها المليشيات الحوثية الارهابية بدعم من النظام الايراني.

وجدد رئيس مجلس القيادة الرئاسي باسمه واعضاء المجلس، والحكومة الدعم الكامل لجهود الامم المتحدة من اجل إطلاق عملية سياسية شاملة بموجب المرجعيات المتفق عليها وطنيا واقليميا ودوليا، وعلى وجه الخصوص القرار 2216.

واكد فخامة الرئيس اهمية ابقاء الانتباه المحلي والاقليمي والدولي مركزا على ممارسات المليشيات الحوثية بما في ذلك انتهاكاتها الجسيمة لحقوق الانسان، مشيرا في هذا السياق الى حملات القمع والتنكيل والاختطاف التي طالت العديد من الناشطين، وموظفي الامم المتحدة ووكالات الاغاثة ومجتمع العمل الانساني في اليمن.

حضر اللقاء مندوب اليمن الدائم لدى الامم المتحدة عبدالله السعدي، وسفير اليمن لدى الولايات المتحدة محمد الحضرمي
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التحالف الوطني للأحزاب: حجم الوعي الجماهيري في كل اليمن يعكس رسوخ قيم ثورة 26سبتمبر

سبتمبر نت:

اعتبر التحالف الوطني للاحزاب والمكونات السياسية حجم الوعي الجماهيري الذي تشهده كل مناطق اليمن، خاصة الخاضعة لسيطرة مليشيا الحوثي، يعكس رسوخ قيم ثورة 26 سبتمبر وإصرار اليمنيين على مواصلة النضال لاستعادة الدولة والقضاء على المشروع الإمامي المتخلف.

وأشار التحالف في البيان الصادر بمناسبة الذكرى 62 لثورة السادس والعشرين من سبتمبر المجيدة الى ان هذا "الوعي الشعبي يجسد إرادة الشعب اليمني في الحفاظ على مكتسبات الثورة وحماية الجمهورية ومكتسبات نضال آبائنا وأجدادنا", داعيا كافة القوى السياسية ومكونات المجتمع اليمني في الداخل إلى المزيد من التلاحم الوطني وعدم الرضوخ لتلك الممارسات التعسفية، والعمل المشترك من أجل استعادة الدولة وإسقاط الانقلاب الحوثي.

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خلال لقائه بالسفير الأمريكي .. اليدومي يؤكد دعم الإصلاح لجهود السلام الشامل والمستدام وفقاً للمرجعيات

#سهيل #اليمن #YEMEN
2024/09/27 07:18:46
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