Telegram lacks the Stories feature of some competing messaging apps which lets you post images or short videos without messaging a contact directly. Admittedly it isn’t an essential feature for most people. Custom Theme Your Telegram 5b Telegram New Theme
Edit Photos/Videos Before Sending Them Voice messages can be converted to text for those times you don't want to listen, but want to see what it says. You can rate transcriptions to help improve them. Perhaps the most important and the best feature of the Telegram app is its security. It is based on the MTProto protocol that is built upon time-tested algorithms. It enables high-speed, reliable message delivery on weak connections. Change Phone Numbers 2b
Prices start as low as Rs 2.5 per day Telegram Chat Background Telegram’s core functionality is the same as most other messaging apps: You can message other Telegram users, create group conversations, call contacts, make video calls, and send files and stickers. However, there are a few specific features that make it work differently from other chat apps. On iOS, Telegram offers you the flexibility to choose a default browser where the links are opened. Though Safari is set as the default option, you can set other browsers like Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge as the preferred choice.
Premium Animated Profile Pictures If you like to customize your favorite chats, there is a good chance that you would appreciate custom sounds. What makes it so handy is the ability to let you set any short audio clip from a chat as a notification sound. It will make it a bit more convenient for you to identify the alerts from a specific Telegram chat. Keep in mind that the audio clip must be less than 5 seconds and up to 300KB in size.
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