Doubled limits for almost everything in the app Mute Contacts and Groups Unlike other cloud-based solutions, Telegram’s personal space has infinite storage. You can also send all kinds of files here. However, note that each file you send must be sized lesser than 1.5GB.
Telegram Attachment Options Telegram Mute Length To do this, choose the items you want to send and tap on the three-dot menu. Now select “send without compression”, and you are good to go. Telegram offers plenty of options for customization to make the app feel like a truly personal experience. Here is the list of interface element you can change:
New Username Links To get started, open the Telegram app. Next, go to Settings and choose Appearance. Add Animated Stickers to Images/Videos Moreover, Telegram has theme channels that offer premade themes for your easy use. You can find your preferred theme and click install to make it alive on your Telegram.
Infinite Reactions Dozens of stickers now have impressive full-screen animations, which Premium users can send in any chat to add extra emotion and expressive effects that are visible for all users. This premium sticker collection will be updated monthly by Telegram artists.
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