Telegram New Theme Create Channel Change Phone Numbers 2b
Change Phone Numbers Sent a picture without adding your usual filter or marking the text you wanted to highlight? Sent the wrong picture altogether? Telegram can help you out. The app allows users to edit photos and even replace them after you have sent it. Schedule Messages Custom Theme Your Telegram 1b Telegram Messenger Tricks
Secret chats Last year, Telegram brought a unique feature that allows you to discover Telegram users and groups based on your location. This comes really handy when you want to add someone to your Telegram without sharing your mobile number. Also, if you are going to conferences, campuses or festivals, you can find several groups related to the place and event just like that. To add nearby people, open the Telegram menu and go to “Contacts”. Here, tap on “Add People Nearby” and there you have it. Previously, it was required to keep the screen open for this feature to work. But now users can turn on the “Make Me Visible” option in the People Nearby window so nearby users can see their profile without needing to have the window open. Turn on Secret Chat Clear Telegram Cache and Local Database
Custom Theme Your Telegram 4b Automatic Saving to Gallery on Android
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