In Telegram, you can use hashtags in your Channels and Groups. When you use a hashtag in a message, that word becomes clickable. And, channel or group users able to click the hashtag to get instant search results from their Telegram messages. Premium Unique Reactions Let’s say you have enabled the “Slow Mode” and set an interval of 1 minute. Now members in the group can only send one message per minute. A timer will show them how long they have to wait before sending the next message.
Another great option in groups or channels is being able to pin messages. Tap a message and choose Pin to keep it at the top of the chat, where everyone can easily reference it. The contributions of premium subscribers will help improve and expand the app for decades to come, while Telegram will remain free, independent and uphold its users-first values, redefining how a tech company should operate. One of the things that I love about Telegram is that the service gives me an easy way to change my phone number attached to my account without making me lose all my previous chats. If you also want to switch your Telegram number, it’s pretty easy to do. First, tap on Settings and then tap on your mobile number. Next up, tap “Mute for” in the menu and then choose the desired mute duration in the pop-up menu. If you want to choose a custom date and time, tap Mute until and then set the date and time.
If you do not want this to happen and want Telegram to keep running in the background to send you notifications in real-time, you can head over to Settings/ Notifications and Sounds/ Keep Alive Service and turn it on. Global message deletion Mute a Telegram chat Also, it enables you to send the current location as well. But live location is much more valuable because it’s easy to find your friend or someone in a wide range of situations.
Additionally, subscribers can enable a setting in Privacy and Security to automatically archive and mute new chats, helping organize even the busiest chat lists. After you have done, that all you need to do is enter your new number and then follow the process on your screen. Once you have created your account, you can switch between your accounts by clicking on the down arrow and selecting the account that you want to choose.
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