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Telegram Chat Background Chat background With the latest updates, Telegram also allows users to have multiple accounts. This is great for people like me who like to keep their work and personal accounts separate. To add a new account, tap on the arrow beside your name and tap on Add Account.

“Keep-Alive Service” ensures that you don’t miss any important notifications. It keeps the messaging app running in the background for reliable and up-to-date notifications. This is useful for people who use ‘Cleaner’ apps and frequently delete system cache and junk files. When sending large files shared from another app on iOS, you can now watch an animated progress bar to find out if you have enough time for a tea or if you should stick with espresso. The profile videos of premium users will animate for everyone throughout the app – including in chats and the chat list. Let everyone see your new look, or flex your creativity with a unique looping animation. This update includes over 100 fixes and optimizations to the mobile and desktop apps – eliminating bugs, improving speed, and expanding minor features. iOS users with the latest iPhones and iPads get significantly smoother animations (120 FPS) throughout the app. Android users will notice better audio and video quality in voice and video messages, along with options to set alternative app icons, clear all recent stickers at once and translate user bios or chat descriptions.

Automatic Saving to Gallery on Android Launch the Telegram app on your device and navigate to Settings -> Data and Storage. However, Telegram only uses this encryption in calls and in its “secret chats” feature, not in regular chats. Those are only encrypted client to server. Meanwhile, WhatsApp, the supposedly less secure service, has used end-to-end encryption in all messages, calls, and video calls since 2016. Telegram is one of the feature-packed messaging services out there, armed with some neat perks that can put rivals like WhatsApp and Signal to shame when it comes to functionality. While basic Telegram features like the ability to edit messages after sending them are well known, here are some lesser-known, yet incredibly useful things the app can do that could come in quite handy.

Turn Off Notifications for Individual Contacts Send Silent Messages

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