"كَانت تشّبه تلك الفِكره التي تَجعل شخصاً مُنهك يمّتلئ بالحيَاة مرةً اُخرىٰ"
"It was like that idea that makes a tired person full of life again."
"It was like that idea that makes a tired person full of life again."
"إذَا كان هذا الأذىٰ كلّه صنِيع المَحبّة، فمَاذا تصّنع الكرَاهية؟"
"If all this harm is the work of love, what does hatred do?"
"If all this harm is the work of love, what does hatred do?"
"لا تُسامح أيّ إنسَان جعل الحيَاة ثقيلةً علىٰ قلبك".
"Do not forgive anyone who made life heavy on your heart".
"Do not forgive anyone who made life heavy on your heart".