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🐍 GIT Precancerous conditions:
▫️Plummer vinson
▫️Corrosive ingetion
▫️Barret esophegues
▫️Gastric ulcer
▫️Partial gastrectomy
▫️Post trunkal vagotomy
▫️Pernicious anemia
▫️US } cron's
▫️FAP / gardner
▫️Adenomatous polpys
▫️Chronic pancreatitis
▫️Liver cirrhosis
▫️Porccelin GB
⭕️ D.d of upper git bleeding :

¹ peptic ulcer
² esophageal varices
³ acute gastritis
⁴ Mallory Weiss syndrome
⁵ esophagus or stomach cancer
⁶ FB or esophageal rupture
⁷ bleeding tendency
⁸ NSAID , Warfarin
⭕️ D.d of lower git bleeding :

¹ anal hemorrhoid & fissures
⁴ diverticular disease
⁵ ischemic colitis
⁶ meckles diverticulum
⁷ massive upper git bleeding
⁸ angiodysplasia
⁹ bleeding disorder
🛑Key symptoms of urology:

1.Obstructive +irratation symptoms➡️ bladder outFlow obstruction as prostate (mc) in male & urethral stricture

2. Pain +hematuria ➡️stone

3. Painless +hematuria ➡️cancer

4. Dysurea +offensive +Dark urine +(FUN) ➡️ UTI

5. H/o trauma +pain +hematuria ➡️ trauma
⭕️ Undescended testis :

Def = arrest in normal pathway of descent , more in Rt side

Etiology = H3S = ¹ HCG
                              ² short gabernaculm
                           ³ short spermatic cord
                  ⁴ strictures of inguinal canal

Cp = empty scrotum

Inx = Hormonal assay , US , Ct , laparoscopy

Ttt = orchedopexy & according to the age, or hormonal ttt.

Comp = 3T 2S 2I = ¹ torsion testis
                                 ² tumer
                                ³ truma
                                ⁴ sterility
                               ⁵ psychiatry
                              ⁶ infection
                           ⁷ indiret inguinal hernia
⭕️ Ectopic testis :

¹ Def = arrest testis outside normal pathway

² Ectopic site = superficial inguinal pouch commenst site

³ Ttt = orchedopexy or orchedoctomy no hormonal ttt
⭕️ Retractile testis :

Def = occure in young children due to exaggerated creamastric reflex

Note : cremastric ms not well developed in first 3 months so no retractile testis under 3 months

Type : ¹ low retractile = by melking test stay there
² high retractile = milking test dosen't stay

Ttt = orchedopexy
⭕️ Hydrocele :

Def = collection of serous fluid inside tunics vaginalis

Type : ¹ congenital / due to persistent of tunica vaginalis , reducible,  testis palpable

² aquired / idiopathic  , irreducible,  testis impalpaple

CP = scrotal swelling ,  +ve transllumination test , +ve fluctuation test 

Inx = scrotal US

Ttt = Jaboly operation = نفتح ونربط للخلف
Or Lords operation = نفتح ونربط ع الجناب

Complications =  ¹ pyocele
                              ² hematocele
                    ³ herniation through dartos
                    ⁴ buried penis
⭕️ varicocele :

Def = elongation or dilatation of pumpiniform plexus of veins

Site = unilateral lt side 95%

Type = ¹ primary ( reflux )
            ² secondary ( obstructive )

CP = dragging sensation or aching pain

Inx = doppler or duplex us

Ttt = ¹ secondary treat underlying cause

² Primary __ do varicelectomy by ( open , laparoscopic )
or sclerotherapy

Open ___ do  high ligation = ligation of testicular veins
or low ligation = ligation of pumpiniform plexus

Laparoscopic ___ do ligation of testicular veins

If reccurent do embolization

Complications = ¹ subfitility
        ² 2nd hydrocele & thromboplebitis
⭕️ Torsion testis :

Def = twisting of testis and epididymis around axis of spinal cord,  it's surgical emergency & more in Rt side

CP = sudden sever pain

D.d = ¹ torsion testis
          ² epidymo orchitis
نفرق عن طريق prehis signs
نرفع scrotum فوق ، لو الألم زاد يعني testis
ولو نقص يعني epidymo orchitis

Inx = urgent doppler & douplex

Ttt =  urgent exploration of scrotum
Do detorsion & orchedopexy
⭕️ penis disorder :

¹ hypospadias = opening of external urethral meatus on ventral side of penis , ttt early surgical correction before 2yr , CI circumcision

² epispadias = on dorsum

³ phimosis = foreskin can't be retracted over glans penis

para phimosis = inability to reduce fore skin , ttt by circumcision

circumcision = remove foreskin

Indication : Religion , social , phimosis , para phimosis

CI in : hypospadias,  bleeding disorder,
Unstable or sick infant

Complications : MC bleeding then infection

priapism = prolonged unwanted erection lasting > 4 hr
⭕️ testicular tumers :

2 type :

¹ Teratoma = هذا يمثل طلبة الطب 😁

العمر ديمه في العشرينات من 20 _ 30 سنة
سريع في كل شي 🥲

و Radio resistance مقاوم لكل الظروف✔️🌚

دمهم حامي ابسط كلمة عراكات طول 🙂 = blood metastasis
Poor prognosis.

Tumer marker = B-HCG , LDH, alpha FP🚨 (MCQ).

ttt: excission + chemo only

² seminoma = هذا يمثل فترة مابعد التخرج

العمر بعد 30 سنة 🌚

بطيء هلبا يعني ماعندا شي امتي ماينوض ويدير حاجته عادي لاعنده شيت ماقراشي لاعنده هم يخمم فيه 🙅🏻‍♀

ويكون radiosensetive يعني ابسط كلمة يفتح منها نقاش ويكسد عليها 🫢🫣

Lymphatic spread
Good prognosis

Tumer marker B-HCG, LDH

ttt: Excision + Radio + chemo.
2024/09/28 19:34:19
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