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Diverticulum &
Rule of 2 of mickel's diverticulum
🐍 GIT Precancerous conditions:
▫️Plummer vinson
▫️Corrosive ingetion
▫️Barret esophegues
▫️Gastric ulcer
▫️Partial gastrectomy
▫️Post trunkal vagotomy
▫️Pernicious anemia
▫️US } cron's
▫️FAP / gardner
▫️Adenomatous polpys
▫️Chronic pancreatitis
▫️Liver cirrhosis
▫️Porccelin GB
⭕️ D.d of upper git bleeding :

¹ peptic ulcer
² esophageal varices
³ acute gastritis
⁴ Mallory Weiss syndrome
⁵ esophagus or stomach cancer
⁶ FB or esophageal rupture
⁷ bleeding tendency
⁸ NSAID , Warfarin
⭕️ D.d of lower git bleeding :

¹ anal hemorrhoid & fissures
⁴ diverticular disease
⁵ ischemic colitis
⁶ meckles diverticulum
⁷ massive upper git bleeding
⁸ angiodysplasia
⁹ bleeding disorder
🛑Key symptoms of urology:

1.Obstructive +irratation symptoms➡️ bladder outFlow obstruction as prostate (mc) in male & urethral stricture

2. Pain +hematuria ➡️stone

3. Painless +hematuria ➡️cancer

4. Dysurea +offensive +Dark urine +(FUN) ➡️ UTI

5. H/o trauma +pain +hematuria ➡️ trauma
2024/09/30 01:21:20
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