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New Weekly Class إن شاء الله

Explanation of Sharh us-Sunnah
of Al-Imam Al-Muzani رحمه الله

– Explained by
Shaykh Nader Ibn Muhammad حفظه الله

Every Saturday after Isha
– Starting May 4th, 2024

– Classes via Zoom with Students
Physically Attending Masjid As-Sunnah Chicago

– Live Interaction between the Teacher & Students

Chicago Masajid Seminar

O’ Mankind! There Has Come To You A Good Advice From Your Lord!
Quran 10:57

Live In Person إن شاء الله

Shaykh Abu Abdillah
Hasan As-Somali

Imam of Germantown Masjid, Philadelphia, PA
Studied in Dar al-Hadith
of Shaykh Muqbil رحمه الله
in 1997-2001

Shaykh Abu Suhayl
Anwar Wright

Islamic University of Madinah
in 2008

حفظهما الله

-Gang Affiliation in Light
of the Qur’an & the Sunnah
-Islamic Principle of
al-Wala wa al-Bara
(Allegiance & Disavowal)
-Manhaj Benefits from
Shaykh Ubayd al-Jabiri
رحمه الله
More Topics To Be Announced

Friday - Sunday
May 10-12, 2024
Ash-Shifaa Hijamah will be in Chicago this weekend for the. Conference, in'shā-Allāh. Hijāmah appointments available for brothers.

Fill out intake form at:

Brothers book via:
2024/10/01 19:33:48
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