Telegram Web Link

Alhamdulillah, Shaykh Abu Suhailah ‘Umar Quinn حفظه الله
@AbooSuhailah Has Safely Arrived in The Chicago Area and Has Checked in to the Hotel

Seminar Topic This Week إن شاء الله
“The Battle Within The Heart”

Starting Tonight & Tomorrow @MasjidSunnahChi
Mon - After Maghrib - Class 1
Tue - 6:30pm - Class 2 &
After Maghrib - Class 3

Wed & Thu @MasjidTawhdChi
Wed - 6:30pm - Class 4 &
After Maghrib - Class 5
Thu - 6:30pm - Class 6 &
After Maghrib - Class 7

Selections From the Works of:
Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim & Others

Lesson Topics From:
Tibb Al-Qulub -
The Medicine Of The Heart Series
“Winning The War Within”
The Heart, The Self, Angels & Devils

Books Available on Amazon:

Seminar Continues Tonight
Day 2 @MasjidSunnahChi إن شاء الله
“The Battle Within The Heart”

Shaykh Abu Suhailah ‘Umar Quinn حفظه الله

5:15pm - ‘Asr
6:30pm - Class 2
7:30pm - Dinner
8:18pm - Maghrib
8:50pm - Class 3
10:00pm - ‘Esha
(CDT Timezone)

Selections From the Works of:
Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim & Others

Lesson Topics From:
Tibb Al-Qulub -
The Medicine Of The Heart Series
“Winning The War Within”
The Heart, The Self, Angels & Devils

Books Available on Amazon:

Live Streaming إن شاء الله



We thank Our Noble Teacher & Ustādh @AbooSuhailah Shaykh Abu Suhailah ‘Umar Quinn حفظه الله for Visiting Us This Week & Covering this Much Needed Topic “The Battle Within The Heart”

We Thank Allāh subhaanahu wa ta’ala for Giving us Tawfīq to be able to Organize a very Beneficial Week Full of Classes & Sittings of Knowledge with Brotherhood with Our Brothers from @MasjidTawhdChi @MasMumineenChi

The book with Selections from Ibn Taymiyyah & Ibn al-Qayyim covers much of What is Needed in Our Communities
Tibb Al-Qulub - The Medicine Of The Heart Series
“Winning The War Within”
The Heart, The Self, Angels & Devils

Books Available on Amazon:

We would like to Thank all the Brothers & Sisters who Assisted the Masajid in Planning, Spreading, Facilitating, Assisting, Organizing, Providing Catering & Meals, Serving, Cleaning as well as Financially Supporting the Masjid to Make These Knowledge Based Gatherings Possible.

May Allāh Make These Days Of Brotherhood & Cooperation Of Benefit & Give Us Sincerity & Tawfīq In Seeking & Implementing Beneficial Knowledge

Next Weekend إن شاء الله
A Knowledge Based Seminar
Now in Conjunction with
Masjid At-Tawheed Chicago @MasjidTawhdChi

“Seeking Guidance in the Sunnah”
‘Abandoning False Beliefs, Political Ideologies & Social Movements’

Fri, Aug 18 - Masjid At-Tawheed
Sat-Sun, Aug 19-20 - Masjid As-Sunnah

Guest Speakers
Shaykh Abul-Layth Qasim Mutiva @ImamStudent
Shaykh Mohammad Amin Al-Jazairi
Shaykh Abu Hafsah Kashif Khan
‎حفظهم الله

‎معارج القبول بشرح سلم الوصول إلى علم الأصول
Extracted Benefits from
Ma’arij al-Qubul
By Imam Hafidh al-Hakami
رحمه الله

Brothers, Sisters & Families
Please Join Us & Benefit
بإذن الله

Live Streaming إن شاء الله
Audio: Mixlr/Spreaker
Video: YouTube/Facebook

This Weekend إن شاء الله
Starting Tomorrow
A Knowledge Based Seminar
Now in Conjunction with
Masjid At-Tawheed

“Seeking Guidance in the Sunnah”
‘Abandoning False Beliefs, Political Ideologies & Social Movements’

Fri, Aug 18 - Masjid At-Tawheed
Sat-Sun, Aug 19-20 - Masjid As-Sunnah

Guest Speakers
Shaykh Abul-Layth Qasim Mutiva @ImamStudent
Shaykh Mohammad Amin Al-Jazairi
Shaykh Abu Hafsah Kashif Khan @AbuHafsahKK
حفظهم الله

معارج القبول بشرح سلم الوصول إلى علم الأصول
Extracted Benefits from
Ma’arij al-Qubul
By Imam Hafidh al-Hakami رحمه الله

Brothers, Sisters & Families
Please Join Us & Benefit بإذن الله

Live Streaming إن شاء الله
Audio: Mixlr/Spreaker
Video: YouTube/Facebook
2024/10/02 10:27:48
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