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In fact, Telegram offers many more features rather than other Messaging apps in the same market. Upload Multiple Profile Pictures to Telegram Launch the Telegram app on your iPhone or Android device -> navigate to the Settings and choose Devices.

The standard emojis on Telegram can be presented in an animated avatar to further enhance their emotional value. These are different from GIFs you send in the app. To enable animated emojis, head over to Settings/Chat Settings/ Large Emojis. To create a username, go to “Settings” and tap “Username” under the account section. There is also a “Bio” option, where you can add a few lines about yourself. Anyone who opens your profile will see this text. Telegram is a great all-around messenger, especially when you start using its best features and know everything it's capable of. Telegram Proxy Options

Unlike mass-market messengers like WhatsApp and Line, Telegram is an open-source app. This means anyone can check the app’s source code, protocol, API, and see how it works and make an informed decision. Last year, Telegram brought a unique feature that allows you to discover Telegram users and groups based on your location. This comes really handy when you want to add someone to your Telegram without sharing your mobile number. Also, if you are going to conferences, campuses or festivals, you can find several groups related to the place and event just like that. To add nearby people, open the Telegram menu and go to “Contacts”. Here, tap on “Add People Nearby” and there you have it. Previously, it was required to keep the screen open for this feature to work. But now users can turn on the “Make Me Visible” option in the People Nearby window so nearby users can see their profile without needing to have the window open. Is Telegram safe to use? One of the things that I love about Telegram is that the service gives me an easy way to change my phone number attached to my account without making me lose all my previous chats. If you also want to switch your Telegram number, it’s pretty easy to do. First, tap on Settings and then tap on your mobile number.

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