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Telegram 天地本宽, 336747 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel 电报群组, cnTelegram 天地本宽, 336747 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, USA, US
天地本宽 Telegram
Open Telegram Links in Your Favorite Browser Telegram has a feature that not only lets you send messages at a particular time but also on a particular date. Just hold the “send” button in any chat and choose “Schedule Message” to automatically send content at a specified time in the future. This feature also works in your “Saved Messages” chat, turning your planned messages into reminders. Does it ever happen that you send a message, and within a few seconds you find out a glaring typo? Well, there is an edit button to save you on Telegram, but not so much on Twitter. All you have to do is select the message and tap on the “Edit (pen)” icon at the top and you can easily edit the message. However, it will show you an “Edited” label after you have made the changes. Also, there are no time-bound restrictions for editing messages on Telegram. You can only edit messages up to 48 hours of sending them (forever if the messages are posted in your “Saved Messages” chat).
If you do not want this to happen and want Telegram to keep running in the background to send you notifications in real-time, you can head over to Settings/ Notifications and Sounds/ Keep Alive Service and turn it on. Buying a new 5G smartphone? Here’s what to keep in mind Share My Live Location continually updates that chat for the period you specify. Be careful about giving away too much information when using this. New user announcement
Dozens of stickers now have impressive full-screen animations, which Premium users can send in any chat to add extra emotion and expressive effects that are visible for all users. This premium sticker collection will be updated monthly by Telegram artists. Add Nearby People and Group If you need to know everything about Telegram, they have a nicely categorized FAQ page so you can refer to it for deep information. Lock Your Chats 1b
Is Telegram safe to use? Share Live Location
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