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Tak kisah la busy macam mana pun, spare a few minutes to text or call your beloved ones. It's important to let they know that you love them.

@theonlyhashaa ♥️
I better prefer a “baby sayanggg I’m busy right now but I’ll call you later” rather than 8 hours with no text back and a sorry asscuse

@theonlyhashaa ♥️
"you i busy jap ill text you later"
"sayang i nak main game jap"
"you i nak keluar jap nanti i ws you"
"b i ngantuk can i sleep now?"
"brb, iloveyou"

Tell her something instead of make her waiting.

"a little things matter"

@theonlyhashaa 🌸
I prefer a “Baby I’m busy rn but I’ll call you later” rather than 8 hours with no text back and a sorry ass excuse.

@theonlyhashaa 🌙
Don't waste your life trying to get back what was taken away, okay.

@littleblueunicorn 🦄
Nobody has a perfect life.

Everybody has their own problems.

Some people just know how to deal with them without revealing it.

@littleblueunicorn 🦄
Life doesn't hurt until you think about how much things have changed, who you've lost along the way, and how much of it was your fault.

@littleblueunicorn 🦄
Forwarded from ᴇᴍʙʀᴀᴄᴇ 🌔 (Han)
If a man truly loves you , he will always stay loyal with you.

During a fight , he won’t chill with other girls.

Even on bad terms , he won’t go find some comfort from other girls.

If you are busy , he won’t entertain other girls.

No matter what , his loyalty will always be yours.

- Golf⛳️

🐣| @DrugsPoetry
A boy will say “Sorry, I am busy.”

A man will make time for you.

A boy will make excuses while a man will find ways to make time with you.


A man that is right for you won’t say you’re “too much” for asking for some time, attention and effort.

Know your worth.

@theonlyhashaa 🌸
You are my sunshine, sweet blessing, drop of joy and the snuggle pad of my life. I wouldn't have been able to do anything without you. I love you. ❤️

@littleblueunicorn 🦄
My love for you multiplies every single day. Imagine how much I will end up loving you after a year or two. 💚

@littleblueunicorn 🦄
Like a sun flower cannot live without sunlight,
Same is my feeling for you my love,
I love you so much that I can't live without you. 🥰

@littleblueunicorn 🦄
You are the sweetest person I have ever met all my life. I am honored to have someone like you in my life. 😻

@littleblueunicorn 🦄
From the first time I met you till today, you've been my rock solid pillar and my safety gear.

Today I want to let you know that I'd be lost without you. Don't ever leave me. 💕

@littleblueunicorn 🦄
Can't thank you enough for what you did,
It was such a kind gesture on your part,
Can't thank you enough, I have to admit,
That you are the best,
Thanks for everything. 🌻

Knowledge is deeper than the ocean and wider than the sky. There is always so much to learn.

always keep your mind open to learn new things and you will find yourself everyday becoming wiser than yesterday.

@littleblueunicorn 🦄
True wisdom lies within ourselves; all we need to do is glance within and search for it. 💫

@littleblueunicorn 🦄
There is one thing that is common among all the great men and women in the world.

Even if they started off as a nobody, they ended up becoming legends.

@littleblueunicorn 🦄
Give up everything in the world, but never give up on your dreams. For those you don't have anything to dream about, don't really have anything.

@littleblueunicorn 🦄
Everything happens for a reason, and everything makes you lose or gain something.

If you gain something, good for you.

If you lose something, you still gain experience, learning and motivation to keep going on and achieve your goals.

So life never makes you lose anything.

@littleblueunicorn 🦄
2024/06/26 02:50:19
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