一齊炸爆學校email 、打爆電話,向校方施壓!彈咩性處理呀?唔係交通問題呀!係學校保障唔到學生安全!係香港已經唔再可以如常!
- 交代如何保障學生在校內人身安全,免受黑警滋擾
- 設立保障被捕、被控、身體受傷及心理壓力的學生的機制及小組
- 向教育局施壓罷免令嶺南蒙羞、令人人自危的何君堯的一切職位」
👉🏽SSC EMAIL: [email protected]
👉🏽校長室職員通訊錄: https://www.ln.edu.hk/cht/po/staff
一齊炸爆學校email 、打爆電話,向校方施壓!彈咩性處理呀?唔係交通問題呀!係學校保障唔到學生安全!係香港已經唔再可以如常!
- 交代如何保障學生在校內人身安全,免受黑警滋擾
- 設立保障被捕、被控、身體受傷及心理壓力的學生的機制及小組
- 向教育局施壓罷免令嶺南蒙羞、令人人自危的何君堯的一切職位」
👉🏽SSC EMAIL: [email protected]
👉🏽校長室職員通訊錄: https://www.ln.edu.hk/cht/po/staff
Title: Urge for cancellation of classes
To whom it may concern,
On 11 Nov under no circumstances of observable threats to life, the Hong Kong police force shot protesters with live rounds multiple times without issuing any prior warnings. Several protestors were critically injured by the shots.
Transportation to commute to the campus, like MTR, Cross-Harbor Buses are often disrupted in these few days. Apart from the congestion and inconvenience , we believe our personal safety will be jeopardized in midst of this social movements. Students and staff’s safety should always be prioritized in an university. It is necessary to suspend the school to safeguard all stakeholders in lingnan.
Meanwhile, tear gas was fired in almost all districts of Hong Kong, including inside the private premises of university campuses. Such abuse of power by the police is not unprecedented, and has been becoming more severe and violent in the past five months.
Currently, the personal safety of students is being threatened. It is incontrovertible that school campuses would no longer be able to provide a safe shelter for students, since highly toxic tear gas is now spread all around the city. It should also be noted that there have also been a suspension of school in various universities.
We, Lingnan university students are now in a state of desperation and sincerely urge that suspension of schools be promptly adopted until our personal safety can be ensured.
Yours sincerely,
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
Title: Urge for cancellation of classes
To whom it may concern,
On 11 Nov under no circumstances of observable threats to life, the Hong Kong police force shot protesters with live rounds multiple times without issuing any prior warnings. Several protestors were critically injured by the shots.
Transportation to commute to the campus, like MTR, Cross-Harbor Buses are often disrupted in these few days. Apart from the congestion and inconvenience , we believe our personal safety will be jeopardized in midst of this social movements. Students and staff’s safety should always be prioritized in an university. It is necessary to suspend the school to safeguard all stakeholders in lingnan.
Meanwhile, tear gas was fired in almost all districts of Hong Kong, including inside the private premises of university campuses. Such abuse of power by the police is not unprecedented, and has been becoming more severe and violent in the past five months.
Currently, the personal safety of students is being threatened. It is incontrovertible that school campuses would no longer be able to provide a safe shelter for students, since highly toxic tear gas is now spread all around the city. It should also be noted that there have also been a suspension of school in various universities.
We, Lingnan university students are now in a state of desperation and sincerely urge that suspension of schools be promptly adopted until our personal safety can be ensured.
Yours sincerely,
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
《嶺南學生組織譴責校方貿然復課、罔顧師生安全》 昨日,警方一如以往使用過分暴力對待示威者。一名交通警察於西灣河對一名手無寸鐵的示威者近距離開槍,更有一名交通警察駕駛電單車撞向示威者。更甚者,警方硬闖中文大學、理工大學、城市大學校園,到處發射催淚彈、罔顧學生安危,十宿及嶺事館對此予以最嚴厲譴責。 身為大學校長,理應恪盡所能保護學生。然而鄭國漢一直未有承諾警察須持有法庭所發出的手令方可進入嶺南大學校園範圍。鄭國漢校長曾於7月21日於黃氏行政大樓回應學生訴求,及在9月18日校長學生論壇,聲言,保護學生安全,…
It is disheartening that we witness police’s brutality towards protestors again. Yesterday, a traffic police officer fired gunshot at close distance towards unarmed protestor at Sai Wan Ho and another traffic police drove motorbike at Kwai Fong towards the crowd. Even worse, police forcibly broke into the campus of Chinese University of Hong Kong, Polytechnic University, City University, firing tear gas and hurting innocent students. We hereby condemn in the strongest terms police’s excessive brutality.
As the Vice-Chancellor of the university, protecting students’ rights would be a basic responsibility. However, Cheng Kwok Hon Leonard has never promised deterring the police entering Lingnan University except with warranty. On 21st July during students’ demonstration outside the Wong’s Administration Building and on 18th September during the Vice-Chancellor Student Forum, Cheng stated that he would protect students’ safety, claiming that “the police and the school has an existing mechanism that bar the police from entering the campus except when the school has called the police and for emergency situation”.
However, the police reneged shortly on the negotiation made with CUHK and forcibly entered the campus today afternoon. Moreover, during the press conference, the police claimed that, police can enter the campus to arrest students without warranty according to the Public Order Ordinance. We urge the school to make clarification to this claim. We demand for a reply from the Vice-Chancellor before 12am midnight on how to deter the police from entering the campus to ensure everyone’s safety inside the campus. Otherwise, Lingnan students will initiate endless class boycott and may escalate our actions.
The 22nd Federation of Student Hostel Association
12 Nov 2019
As the Vice-Chancellor of the university, protecting students’ rights would be a basic responsibility. However, Cheng Kwok Hon Leonard has never promised deterring the police entering Lingnan University except with warranty. On 21st July during students’ demonstration outside the Wong’s Administration Building and on 18th September during the Vice-Chancellor Student Forum, Cheng stated that he would protect students’ safety, claiming that “the police and the school has an existing mechanism that bar the police from entering the campus except when the school has called the police and for emergency situation”.
However, the police reneged shortly on the negotiation made with CUHK and forcibly entered the campus today afternoon. Moreover, during the press conference, the police claimed that, police can enter the campus to arrest students without warranty according to the Public Order Ordinance. We urge the school to make clarification to this claim. We demand for a reply from the Vice-Chancellor before 12am midnight on how to deter the police from entering the campus to ensure everyone’s safety inside the campus. Otherwise, Lingnan students will initiate endless class boycott and may escalate our actions.
The 22nd Federation of Student Hostel Association
12 Nov 2019
send and spread!!!!
Subject : Urge for Class Cancellation
To whom it may concern,
On 11 Nov under no circumstances of observable threats to life, the Hong Kong police force shot protesters with live rounds multiple times without issuing any prior warnings. Several protestors were critically injured by the shots.
Transportation to commute to the campus, like the MTR and Cross-Harbor Buses are often disrupted in these few days. Apart from the traffic congestion and inconvenience , we believe our personal safety will be jeopardized in midst of the social movement. Students and staff’s safety should always be prioritized in an university. It is necessary to suspend the school to safeguard all stakeholders in Lingnan.
Meanwhile, tear gas was fired in almost all districts of Hong Kong, including inside the private premises of university campuses. Such abuse of power by the police is not unprecedented, and has been becoming more severe and violent in the past five months.
Currently, the personal safety of students is being threatened. It is incontrovertible that school campuses would no longer be able to provide a safe shelter for students, since highly toxic tear gas is now spread all around the city. It should also be noted that there have also been a suspension of school in various universities.
We, Lingnan university students are now in a state of desperation and sincerely urge that suspension of schools be promptly adopted until our personal safety can be ensured.
Yours sincerely,
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
send and spread!!!!
Subject : Urge for Class Cancellation
To whom it may concern,
On 11 Nov under no circumstances of observable threats to life, the Hong Kong police force shot protesters with live rounds multiple times without issuing any prior warnings. Several protestors were critically injured by the shots.
Transportation to commute to the campus, like the MTR and Cross-Harbor Buses are often disrupted in these few days. Apart from the traffic congestion and inconvenience , we believe our personal safety will be jeopardized in midst of the social movement. Students and staff’s safety should always be prioritized in an university. It is necessary to suspend the school to safeguard all stakeholders in Lingnan.
Meanwhile, tear gas was fired in almost all districts of Hong Kong, including inside the private premises of university campuses. Such abuse of power by the police is not unprecedented, and has been becoming more severe and violent in the past five months.
Currently, the personal safety of students is being threatened. It is incontrovertible that school campuses would no longer be able to provide a safe shelter for students, since highly toxic tear gas is now spread all around the city. It should also be noted that there have also been a suspension of school in various universities.
We, Lingnan university students are now in a state of desperation and sincerely urge that suspension of schools be promptly adopted until our personal safety can be ensured.
Yours sincerely,
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
Title: Urge for Extension of Class Cancellation
To whom it may concern,
On 12 Nov, CUHK was under siege by the Hong Kong Police Force. The abusive use of force by The HKPF, firing over 2,000 tear gas canisters and water cannons to students, was in fact murdering the students of CUHK.
Their betrayal of the negotiation deal of which they again fired tear gas and rubber bullets without giving prior warnings has proven their dishonesty and low credibility.
Uncountable students were physically injured, and were put under immense mental stress. We, Lingnan students, show no trust to the HKPF and are firmly convinced that the presence of the HKPF would pose enormous threats to students. We, therefore, sincerely urge the school to cancel all classes.
As of now, out of the 8 UGC-funded universities, Lingnan is the only university that has no yet released any arrangements for cancellation of classes and has always informed the students at the very last minute. We believe that the school should handle these matters more efficiently, for the safety of the students and staff.
We demand the school to take immediate actions in making arrangements actively, and announce up-to-date arrangements as early as possible.
In view of the chaotic and uncertain social situations, along with the chemically-toxicated environment due to the tear gas shot by the HKPF, we strongly urge the school to cancel the classes for at least two weeks, or even the whole semester. We also call for the school to consider changing the mode of teaching for the following 2 weeks , preferably to cancel face-to-face lectures and through online-teaching platforms instead as adopted by the HKUST. We believe that an act of resuming classes would not be a good decision. Lingnan should stand along with other universities and should not be the lone wolf.
We, Lingnan university students , are now in a state of desperation and sincerely urge that cancellation of classes be promptly adopted until our personal safety can be ensured.
Yours sincerely,
To whom it may concern,
On 12 Nov, CUHK was under siege by the Hong Kong Police Force. The abusive use of force by The HKPF, firing over 2,000 tear gas canisters and water cannons to students, was in fact murdering the students of CUHK.
Their betrayal of the negotiation deal of which they again fired tear gas and rubber bullets without giving prior warnings has proven their dishonesty and low credibility.
Uncountable students were physically injured, and were put under immense mental stress. We, Lingnan students, show no trust to the HKPF and are firmly convinced that the presence of the HKPF would pose enormous threats to students. We, therefore, sincerely urge the school to cancel all classes.
As of now, out of the 8 UGC-funded universities, Lingnan is the only university that has no yet released any arrangements for cancellation of classes and has always informed the students at the very last minute. We believe that the school should handle these matters more efficiently, for the safety of the students and staff.
We demand the school to take immediate actions in making arrangements actively, and announce up-to-date arrangements as early as possible.
In view of the chaotic and uncertain social situations, along with the chemically-toxicated environment due to the tear gas shot by the HKPF, we strongly urge the school to cancel the classes for at least two weeks, or even the whole semester. We also call for the school to consider changing the mode of teaching for the following 2 weeks , preferably to cancel face-to-face lectures and through online-teaching platforms instead as adopted by the HKUST. We believe that an act of resuming classes would not be a good decision. Lingnan should stand along with other universities and should not be the lone wolf.
We, Lingnan university students , are now in a state of desperation and sincerely urge that cancellation of classes be promptly adopted until our personal safety can be ensured.
Yours sincerely,
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
👉 [email protected]
標題:與各大同行 嶺南人促校方提早完結本學期課程及取消畢業典禮
[Urgent] Call for a premature end to semester and cancellation of graduation ceremonies
To all concerned departments,
In view of the current social unrest and traffic disruptions, the CUHK, HKU, CityU and BU have made arrangements for the cancellation of graduation ceremonies and announced the premature end to the semester. Therefore, we strongly urge the university to follow suit for the safety of the students and staff.
Most universities are now under immense threats of the abusive use of force and unreasonable arrests by the Hong Kong Police Force. We, Lingnanians, should by no means stand together with all other university students.
The university should always give priority to the safety of students and staff members. Again, we request the university to take immediate actions regarding the arrangements for the premature end to semester and update students on the latest arrangements as soon as possible.
標題:與各大同行 嶺南人促校方提早完結本學期課程及取消畢業典禮
[Urgent] Call for a premature end to semester and cancellation of graduation ceremonies
To all concerned departments,
In view of the current social unrest and traffic disruptions, the CUHK, HKU, CityU and BU have made arrangements for the cancellation of graduation ceremonies and announced the premature end to the semester. Therefore, we strongly urge the university to follow suit for the safety of the students and staff.
Most universities are now under immense threats of the abusive use of force and unreasonable arrests by the Hong Kong Police Force. We, Lingnanians, should by no means stand together with all other university students.
The university should always give priority to the safety of students and staff members. Again, we request the university to take immediate actions regarding the arrangements for the premature end to semester and update students on the latest arrangements as soon as possible.
【校方即時終止上學期餘下面授課堂 】
鑒於交通阻塞和社區衝突情況持續,以及學生對自身安全越來越擔憂,大學決定即時終止 2019-20 學年上學期餘下所有面授課堂。
本科生:教務處( 2616 8750, [email protected] )
研究生:研究生院( 2616 8720, [email protected] )
交流生:環球教育及跨學科課程辦事處( 2616 8990, [email protected] )
學生服務/學生宿舍:學生服務中心( 2616 7309, [email protected] )
鑒於交通阻塞和社區衝突情況持續,以及學生對自身安全越來越擔憂,大學決定即時終止 2019-20 學年上學期餘下所有面授課堂。
本科生:教務處( 2616 8750, [email protected] )
研究生:研究生院( 2616 8720, [email protected] )
交流生:環球教育及跨學科課程辦事處( 2616 8990, [email protected] )
學生服務/學生宿舍:學生服務中心( 2616 7309, [email protected] )