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When Allah knows you're ready for the responsibility of commitment, he'll reveal the right person under the right circumstances. Wait patiently. don't waste your time searching and wishing. Grow and be ready, you'll see Allah will give you a love story far better than you could dream of.

Allah S.W.T has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and it takes a lot of faith, but it's worth the wait.

@lifereminderss 🤍
I said to Allah I hate life. He replied "who asked you to love life? Love me and life will be beautiful.

when you realise that nothing is permanent in this life, you will become more tolerant, less judgemental and more forgiving .

no matter where you go, what you do, remember who you are. stay humble and always hold firmly to the rope that leads you back to Allah .

@lifereminderss 🤍
" beware of jealousy, for verily it destroys good deeds the way fire destroys wood "

— Abu Dawud

@lifereminderss 🤍
" a calamity that brings you closer to Allah is better than a blessing which turns you away from Allah. "

- Ibn Taymiyyah

@lifereminderss 🤍
There is no joy in the Dunya that can come close to the joy of Jannah other than the joy of iman.

— Ibn Al-Taymiyyah

@lifereminderss 🤍
The one who points the way to good deeds is like the one who does them.
"Sit with those who constantly repent, for they have the softest hearts."
and know that Allah will resolve everything in the end, in a way you'll never imagine .

make others smile. and Allah will always smile upon you.

@lifereminderss 🤍
being positive doesn't mean we deny the existence of our problems, it means we believe Allah is greater than our problems .

to those who smile in the day and cry in the night, may Allah Almighty grant your peace.

@lifereminderss 🤍
If Allah has written something to be yours, it will be. maybe not in the timing and way you expected but it will be yours.
before getting frustrated at a situation, remember that you never know what Allah placed goodness in.
those who joyfully leave everything in Allah's hand will eventually see Allah's hand in everything.
to my heart :

even if it doesn't feel better, lead me where's it's right.
2024/09/21 14:11:38
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