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I know I am in love with you because my reality is finally better than my dreams.

You are the last thought in my mind before I drift off to sleep and the first thought when I wake up each morning.

Loving you never was an option. It was a necessity.

💖 To understand someone, you have to look deep in that person.

💖 If you're single, stop worrying. God is saving you for someone special. Someone who will never take you for granted.

💖 Sometimes people's leave you without reason then they made you think that it's your fault but don't let others change your soul just be you .

🦄if you want someone to notices you, tell them. Do something. Don't wait for them to notice you because they can't read your mind. Communicate with each other and you'll never feel pain. Don't be so pathetic.

@lifereminderss 💜
💜 Don't stress yourself out every time
Use a break and let your mind rest

@lifereminderss 🦄
Forwarded from draft. (∂ιяαиτѕγα 🌙)
im looking for admin channel ;
@Lifereminderss 💜
@Quewalsong 💙
@Thediaryofus ❤️

Pm @diraantsya 💖
Forwarded from draft. (∂ιяαиτѕγα 🌙)
Open swap promote 🦄

💜 send link
💜 promote back
I will check !!

( kalau aku lambat reply bagi link , korang ambil je dari link first ( @thediaryofus) sampai ayat ni , faham ? Korang send je link nanti aku promote, aku bukan macam " mereka " yang tak jujur 🙈 )

Pm || @ntsyaeo

Link will be deleted after 24 hours 💜
mistakes pinned «Open swap promote 🦄 💜 send link 💜 promote back I will check !! ( kalau aku lambat reply bagi link , korang ambil je dari link first ( @thediaryofus) sampai ayat ni , faham ? Korang send je link nanti aku promote, aku bukan macam " mereka " yang tak jujur…»

🌻 Send hi/salam
🌻 Send link
🌻 Done, promote back


Closed : 3.00pm

pm @ainshznm ❤️
Forwarded from shz
- @peoplelikeyou

💥 girls or boys
💥 15 years above
💥 English quotes only

pm @ainshznm 🌻
Forwarded from 👟KASUT MURAH BY N|A👟 (Ikn.)
Open swap promote 🌸

*send links
*promote back

Pm me here ; @atkhahaha
Forwarded from Suri
Forwarded from Lila
Pencarian admin♥️
Channel ini Baru dicipta semalam 🥺❤️
Umur berkelayakan 17 ke atas 🌛 if bawah 17 tapi ada usaha untuk membetulkan diri dan dalam masa yang sama mengajak orang laen menuju kebaikan dan mencegah kemungkaran akan diterima😘❤️
Jangan risau kita berdakwah bukan terus bertukar jadi malaikat ☺️
Kita masih pelaku maksiat tapi sedang berusaha mencari RedhaNya dengan berdakwah .
" Berdakwahlah sehingga alim. Bukan sudah alim baru hendak berdakwah"

Pm me @nurlilah
Forwarded from alya nabilah
admin needed for chnnl @aboutourlifee / @secebisrindu 🙊

— umur takesah asalkan matured
— boleh terima teguran
— sehari 3 quotes
— aktiv telegram
— seminggu tak post tanpa sebab , jawatan anda sebagai admin akan ditarik semula

kindly pm : @nabilahyyy
Forwarded from alya nabilah
open swap promote ! 🍀

- pm @nabilahyyy
Forwarded from Shopper Gallery (aliahapid)
open promote 🤟🏻❤️
( 8pagi - 2petang )

channel anda akan di promote
@suapankata , @storyaboutyou @allofstoryaboutyou , @corazontriste

— say hi / salam
— your link ?
— promoteback , i will check
— thankyou

pm : @princessaliyott
Forwarded from Shopper Gallery (aliahapid)
attention , admin needed 🗣❤️
channel @suapankata , @storyaboutyou , @allofstoryaboutyou , @corazontriste

— umur 14tahun
– matured
— boleh terima teguran
— rajin up quotes
— sporting ulalaa
— selalu on telegram
— bertanggungjawab

do pm me now : @princessaliyott
2024/09/25 17:17:23
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