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Allah is so merciful that if you wasn't mean to go to jannah a part of jannah will cry out for you so Allah can forgive you
Sleep doesn't help if it's your soul that's tired
I know it feels like life is slowly going by, day by day. That even you try your hardest... nothing changes. But i also know what it feel like when all the hard work, long nights, and emotional days, lead to beautiful and exciting new chapters. That feelings when you are so proud of yourself for not giving, for not trusting yourself. So be strong, as those day coming for you too. What are you doing now is guiding you there. Keep going.
People make time for who they want to make time for. People text and reply to people they want to talk to. Never believe anyone who says they've been too busy. If they wanted to be around you, they would.
She lifted her head from the prayer mat. Tears running down her face, a realization hit her heart, she has no true friend, but Allah SWT.

- 🌙
If someone hates me for my happiness, I ask God that he sends him happiness so he forgets mine.
I’m scared okay ? Scared that your gonna leave me like everyone else did , scared that your gonna push me away like nothing.
Never miss an opportunity to put a smile on someone's face 🤍
Having Sabr doesn't mean you're not allowed to have emotions. Sabr means that even with all the anger, even with all the sadness, even with the nights you cried your eyes out, you still were grateful to Allah SWT.

You still turned to him and trust his plan 🤍
Be careful on how you dismiss the troubles and pains of another person because if Allah tested you the same way you'd be broken too .

How many times in your life did you stand at a closed door desperately waiting for it to open,

Only to turn around and find that Allah SWT had more doors opened for you with beautiful destinations ?

💌@lifereminderss .
Allah wanted me to end this year super strong. December is tough. Whatever You will for me Ya Rabb. Surely You know what’s best for me so grant me the ability to have tawakkul, sabr & always syukur 🤲🏻😭
For this new year, don't delay again. Plan well & make progress everyday. Even a tiny step.

Believe in yourself & filter what you hear. It’s too expensive to pay attention to the wrong people.

Be so busy improving yourself that you have no choice but minding your own business.

— d
Believe in qada and qadar. الله has write something beautiful for us.🤍
Allahumma yassir wala tu'assir. Rabbi tammim bi'khair.

"Ya Allah, make it easy and do not make it difficult. Ya Allah make it end well."
They said

" go where you're valued "

So I ran back to Allah 🤍
Ya Allah, please help me protect my mouth when people make me angry.
اللهم باركلنا في شهر رمضان و بلغنا ليلة القدر

" Allahumma bariklana fi shahri Ramadhan wa ballighna lailatul qadr "

" Ya Allah, berkatilah kami sepanjang bulan Ramadhan ini & temukanlah kami dengan Malam Al-Qadar "
There’s an Arab proverb which goes by,

“Do good and throw it in the sea”

Meaning, do good for people and forget about it, don’t expect anything from them.
2024/09/21 00:57:14
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