Aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladigan turg'un birikmalar
🌐 Quyidagi birikmalar ingliz tilida aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi:
✅ all the same - baribir, qaramasdan
✅ keep the house - uyni boshqarmoq
✅ by the time - borib, -guncha
✅ lay the table - dasturxon yozmoq
✅ by the way - aytgancha
✅ on the contrary - aksincha
✅ make the bed - yotoqni yig'ishtirmoq
✅ do the bed - yotoqni tayyorlamoq
✅ do the cooking - ovqat tayyorlamoq
✅ do the washing up - idishlarni yuvmoq
✅ on the whole - umuman olganda
✅ tell the time - vaqtni aytmoq
✅ tell the truth - haqiqatni aytmoq
✅ do the shopping - bozor qilmoq
✅ for the sake of - sharafiga
✅ the same - bir xil
✅ for the time being - hozircha
✅ the right side - toʻg’ri yoʻlda/tarafda
✅ the wrong side - notoʻg’ri yoʻlda/tarafda
✅ under the influence of - ta’sirida, ta’siri ostida
✅ under the impression - taassurot ostida
✅ in the distance - uzoqda
✅ in the daytime - kunduzi
✅ in the end - oxiri, niyohat
✅ in the long run - borib-borib, oxirida
✅ in the sun - quyoshda
✅ in the dark - qorong’uda
✅ in the shade - soyada
✅ in the rain - yomg’ir ostida
✅ in the meantime - hozirda
✅ in the past - oʻtmishda
✅ in the original - o'z tilida
✅ on the phone - telefonda
✅ in the face of - biror sharoitga
☄ @learnenglish_uz
🌐 Quyidagi birikmalar ingliz tilida aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi:
✅ all the same - baribir, qaramasdan
✅ keep the house - uyni boshqarmoq
✅ by the time - borib, -guncha
✅ lay the table - dasturxon yozmoq
✅ by the way - aytgancha
✅ on the contrary - aksincha
✅ make the bed - yotoqni yig'ishtirmoq
✅ do the bed - yotoqni tayyorlamoq
✅ do the cooking - ovqat tayyorlamoq
✅ do the washing up - idishlarni yuvmoq
✅ on the whole - umuman olganda
✅ tell the time - vaqtni aytmoq
✅ tell the truth - haqiqatni aytmoq
✅ do the shopping - bozor qilmoq
✅ for the sake of - sharafiga
✅ the same - bir xil
✅ for the time being - hozircha
✅ the right side - toʻg’ri yoʻlda/tarafda
✅ the wrong side - notoʻg’ri yoʻlda/tarafda
✅ under the influence of - ta’sirida, ta’siri ostida
✅ under the impression - taassurot ostida
✅ in the distance - uzoqda
✅ in the daytime - kunduzi
✅ in the end - oxiri, niyohat
✅ in the long run - borib-borib, oxirida
✅ in the sun - quyoshda
✅ in the dark - qorong’uda
✅ in the shade - soyada
✅ in the rain - yomg’ir ostida
✅ in the meantime - hozirda
✅ in the past - oʻtmishda
✅ in the original - o'z tilida
✅ on the phone - telefonda
✅ in the face of - biror sharoitga
☄ @learnenglish_uz
I ____ move the table. It was too heavy.
Anonymous Quiz
A) couldn't
B) wouldn't
C) shouldn't
The number of applicants .... increased dramatically.
Anonymous Quiz
Applicants .... tend to be nervous while taking the exam.
Anonymous Quiz
are being
Applicants .... prone to be nervous while taking the exam.
Anonymous Quiz
are being
🔘 English Class in School [Different Ways to Say BORING]
☄ @learnenglish_uz
🔘 English Class in School [Different Ways to Say BORING]
☄ @learnenglish_uz
❗Common mistakes
✖ She aimed on the target.
✔ She aimed at the target.
✖ The teacher was angry against him.
✔ The teacher was angry with him.
✖ They're anxious for his health.
✔ They're anxious about his health.
✖ We arrived to the village at night.
✔ We arrived at the village at night
✖ He's now ashamed from his conduct.
✔ He's now ashamed of his conduct.
✖ We believe to God.
✔ We believed in God.
✖ James boasted for his strength.
✔ James boasted of his strength.
✖ Elka is very careful for her health.
✔ Elka is very careful about/of his health.
✖ He travelled with the train yesterday.
✔ He travelled by the train yesterday.
✖ Ann complained for the weather.
✔ Ann complained about the weather.
✖ Our class is composed from 30 students
✔ Our class is composed of 30 students
✖ I have great confidince to you
✔ I have great condfidince in you
✖ We must to conform with the rules
✔ We must conform to the rules
✖ I congratulate you for your success
✔ I congratulate you on your success
✖ A year consists from 12 months
✔ A year consists of 12 months
✖ The mountains are covered by snow
✔ The mountains are covered with/in snow
✖ The man was cured from his illness
✔ The man was cured of his illness
✖ It depends from her
✔ It depends on her
☄ @learnenglish_uz
✖ She aimed on the target.
✔ She aimed at the target.
✖ The teacher was angry against him.
✔ The teacher was angry with him.
✖ They're anxious for his health.
✔ They're anxious about his health.
✖ We arrived to the village at night.
✔ We arrived at the village at night
✖ He's now ashamed from his conduct.
✔ He's now ashamed of his conduct.
✖ We believe to God.
✔ We believed in God.
✖ James boasted for his strength.
✔ James boasted of his strength.
✖ Elka is very careful for her health.
✔ Elka is very careful about/of his health.
✖ He travelled with the train yesterday.
✔ He travelled by the train yesterday.
✖ Ann complained for the weather.
✔ Ann complained about the weather.
✖ Our class is composed from 30 students
✔ Our class is composed of 30 students
✖ I have great confidince to you
✔ I have great condfidince in you
✖ We must to conform with the rules
✔ We must conform to the rules
✖ I congratulate you for your success
✔ I congratulate you on your success
✖ A year consists from 12 months
✔ A year consists of 12 months
✖ The mountains are covered by snow
✔ The mountains are covered with/in snow
✖ The man was cured from his illness
✔ The man was cured of his illness
✖ It depends from her
✔ It depends on her
☄ @learnenglish_uz
Collocation for work 👨💻
To be called for an interview - suhbatga taklif qilinish 👨💻
To be one's own boss - ózini ózi band qilish 👨💻
A dead-end job - samarasiz, o'sish yo‘q ish o'rni ✍️
A good team player - jamoa bilan yaxshi chiqishadigan odam 🧑🎓🧑💻
A Full time job - toʻliq stavkali ish kun boʻyi😡
A part time job - yarim stavkali ish😡
A heavy workload - murakkab; ogʻir ish rejasi😪😪
A high powered job - kuchli martabali ish oʻrni✈️
A holiday entitlement - bayramlarda beriladigan dam olish kuni 🏖
Maternity leave - onalik taʼtili; Dekret
To meet a deadline - berilgan vazifani belgilangan muddatda tugatish 🔜
A nine-to-five job - odatiy ish oʻrni 8 soat oʻrtacha davom etadigan 🥱
One of the perks of the job -
kasbning eng zoʻr/foydali jihati 👍
Sick leave - kasal payti beriladigan taʼtil; otpusk😵💫
Take a retirement - nafaqaga chiqish
Working conditions - ish sharoitlari 👍
Temporary work - vaqtincha ish
Voluntary work - koʻngilli ish 🙂
To be stuck in a rut - zerikarli ish joyida ishlash 😠
To be stuck behind a desk - zerikarli ofis ishidan bezib ketish.😡
☄ @learnenglish_uz
To be called for an interview - suhbatga taklif qilinish 👨💻
To be one's own boss - ózini ózi band qilish 👨💻
A dead-end job - samarasiz, o'sish yo‘q ish o'rni ✍️
A good team player - jamoa bilan yaxshi chiqishadigan odam 🧑🎓🧑💻
A Full time job - toʻliq stavkali ish kun boʻyi😡
A part time job - yarim stavkali ish😡
A heavy workload - murakkab; ogʻir ish rejasi😪😪
A high powered job - kuchli martabali ish oʻrni✈️
A holiday entitlement - bayramlarda beriladigan dam olish kuni 🏖
Maternity leave - onalik taʼtili; Dekret
To meet a deadline - berilgan vazifani belgilangan muddatda tugatish 🔜
A nine-to-five job - odatiy ish oʻrni 8 soat oʻrtacha davom etadigan 🥱
One of the perks of the job -
kasbning eng zoʻr/foydali jihati 👍
Sick leave - kasal payti beriladigan taʼtil; otpusk😵💫
Take a retirement - nafaqaga chiqish
Working conditions - ish sharoitlari 👍
Temporary work - vaqtincha ish
Voluntary work - koʻngilli ish 🙂
To be stuck in a rut - zerikarli ish joyida ishlash 😠
To be stuck behind a desk - zerikarli ofis ishidan bezib ketish.😡
☄ @learnenglish_uz
📌 Ingliz tilida RAHMAT aytishning 10 xil alternativ variantlari!
1. Thanks
2. Many thanks
3. Thank you very much
4. I appreciate it
5. I'm grateful
6. I'm so thankful
7. That's so kind of you
8. I can't thank you enough
9. Thanks a million
10. Thanks a lot
Ushbu gaplarni yod oling va ogʻzaki nutqingizda ishlating!
☄ @learnenglish_uz
1. Thanks
2. Many thanks
3. Thank you very much
4. I appreciate it
5. I'm grateful
6. I'm so thankful
7. That's so kind of you
8. I can't thank you enough
9. Thanks a million
10. Thanks a lot
☄ @learnenglish_uz