#B2 level.
_ _ _ _ witnesses been sworn in yet?
_ _ _ _ witnesses been sworn in yet?
Anonymous Quiz
A) Have any of the
B) Has any of the
C) Will any of the
🔘 English Conversation. Ways to Say "I Lied to You" (Idioms)
☄ @learnenglish_uz
🔘 English Conversation. Ways to Say "I Lied to You" (Idioms)
☄ @learnenglish_uz
Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami
🚩Mavzu: Har kunlik iboralar
💥 As you wish — ixtiyoringiz
💥 No sweat — muammo yo'q
💥 My bad — uzr, xato qilibman
💥 Exactly so — xuddi shunday
💥 I'm afraid so — shunday bo'lsa kerak, deb qo'rqaman
💥 Quite so — shak-shubhasiz
💥 Are you nuts? — esingni yedingmi?(aqldan ozganmisan?)
💥 It's worth trying — urinib ko'rsa arziydi
💥 I screwed up — men chuv tushdim
💥 Cheer up — kayfiyatni ko'tar!
☄ @learnenglish_uz
Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami
🚩Mavzu: Har kunlik iboralar
💥 As you wish — ixtiyoringiz
💥 No sweat — muammo yo'q
💥 My bad — uzr, xato qilibman
💥 Exactly so — xuddi shunday
💥 I'm afraid so — shunday bo'lsa kerak, deb qo'rqaman
💥 Quite so — shak-shubhasiz
💥 Are you nuts? — esingni yedingmi?(aqldan ozganmisan?)
💥 It's worth trying — urinib ko'rsa arziydi
💥 I screwed up — men chuv tushdim
💥 Cheer up — kayfiyatni ko'tar!
☄ @learnenglish_uz
#B2 level.
George was inattentive _ _ _ _ she had a car accident.
George was inattentive _ _ _ _ she had a car accident.
Anonymous Quiz
A) due to
B) because of
C) even though
D) so
It's about time you _ _ _ _ exercising regularly.
Anonymous Quiz
A) started
B) start
C) should start
D) will start
So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ Foydali 15 ibora
🎯 Right you are - Siz haqsiz
🎯 Sure - Turgan gap
🎯 That’s fine - Juda soz bo’libdi
🎯 That’s just it - Xuddi shunday
🎯 That’s right - To’g’ri
🎯 Undoubtedly - Shubhasiz
🎯 Very good - Juda yaxshi
🎯 Willingly - Bajonidil
🎯 With pleasure - Jon deb
🎯 Yes, certainly - Ha, albatta
🎯 Rest of my life - Butun umr, qolgan umr
🎯 Piss somebody - Jonga tegmoq, g'azablanmoq
🎯 Beg - Yolvormoq
🎯 Exact same - Huddi shunaqa, bir xil
☄ @learnenglish_uz
⚡️ Foydali 15 ibora
🎯 Right you are - Siz haqsiz
🎯 Sure - Turgan gap
🎯 That’s fine - Juda soz bo’libdi
🎯 That’s just it - Xuddi shunday
🎯 That’s right - To’g’ri
🎯 Undoubtedly - Shubhasiz
🎯 Very good - Juda yaxshi
🎯 Willingly - Bajonidil
🎯 With pleasure - Jon deb
🎯 Yes, certainly - Ha, albatta
🎯 Rest of my life - Butun umr, qolgan umr
🎯 Piss somebody - Jonga tegmoq, g'azablanmoq
🎯 Beg - Yolvormoq
🎯 Exact same - Huddi shunaqa, bir xil
☄ @learnenglish_uz